PlatformOfTrust / react-elements-of-trust

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Buttons #23

Open Nazarah opened 5 years ago

Nazarah commented 5 years ago

Minimum Requirements

Primary Secondary Danger (e.g. delete) Buttons (with icons) associated with form inputs
Save/Submit Cancel


Nazarah commented 5 years ago

1. Buttons - White Background

The idea is to follow bootstrap's btn-x-class styling by incorporating the PoT Color Scheme. Descriptions are within the picture.

Buttons-light Background
Nazarah commented 5 years ago

Alternate design

An already implemented PoT Button design can be found here. If this gets to be kept as the main styling with normal, hover, clicked and disabled states, then the above wireframe would be changed with PoT UI colors.

Based on this decisions, buttons for dark background would be added.