[x] Host the official rules at EndemicLabs.co/BudweiserSweepRules; Final, Approved rules available for you to download at:
[x] Add in a link that will be at the bottom of every single contest that links out to the rules with this copy: To view the official rules for the Budweiser Sweep, click here (with click here linking out to the rules hosted on our domain)
[x] Make sure the opt-in form is following the exact copy provided by Budweiser: Opt-In Language: (must be accompanied with a checkbox that consumer checks to show they agree to it and should link to Budweiser’s TOS and PP) “Yes, I consent to Budweiser and its affiliates using my Personal Information to provide me with product and marketing information by email and other electronic means, and I have read and agree to the Budweiser Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, which describe how the information I provide may be used.”
[x] Make sure the logo on the opt-in form is Budweiser, not the team's
[x] Make sure that a user who's DOB is under 21 can only change that once and then they are locked out (this is per AB guidelines they just updated me on)
[x] After the opt-in form has been submitted, change the screen to say the following: Thanks Ben, you’re all set! You can close out this window and start playing the Budweiser Sweep now.
[ ] Add the ability to input the prize tied to creating the contest (as a field) as AB wants to track how that impacts entry.
[ ] Add prize attached to the contest entry in the lobby
[ ] Mixpanel set up this weekend on all analytics to track - unique users total, unique users by team, referral source, total entries, entries by team, engagement by prediction category (hitting, defense, pitching, etc), retention of players, entries by type of prize (tickets, merchandise, experiences, memorabilia), engagement by day of the week. Let's disucss and I should be able to do most of this myself once we get the right events and fields in.
[ ] Identify the plan for how I am going to receive the list of users who have completed a Sweep
[ ] Re-review all copy and onboarding for each team-specific entry point and selecting a team (if not already in one). Ensure that users will be able to participate in a new team once the spring training is over.
[x] Host the official rules at EndemicLabs.co/BudweiserSweepRules; Final, Approved rules available for you to download at:
[x] Add in a link that will be at the bottom of every single contest that links out to the rules with this copy: To view the official rules for the Budweiser Sweep, click here (with click here linking out to the rules hosted on our domain)
[x] Make sure the opt-in form is following the exact copy provided by Budweiser: Opt-In Language: (must be accompanied with a checkbox that consumer checks to show they agree to it and should link to Budweiser’s TOS and PP) “Yes, I consent to Budweiser and its affiliates using my Personal Information to provide me with product and marketing information by email and other electronic means, and I have read and agree to the Budweiser Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, which describe how the information I provide may be used.”
Terms of service link: https://www.budweiser.com/en/terms-conditions.html Privacy Policy link: https://www.budweiser.com/en/privacy-policy.html
[x] Make sure the logo on the opt-in form is Budweiser, not the team's
[x] Make sure that a user who's DOB is under 21 can only change that once and then they are locked out (this is per AB guidelines they just updated me on)
[x] After the opt-in form has been submitted, change the screen to say the following: Thanks Ben, you’re all set! You can close out this window and start playing the Budweiser Sweep now.
[x] As soon as the user has been dropped into the team version that they are entering, send them the following images: Cardinals - http://funkyimg.com/i/2RWeP.png Cubs - http://funkyimg.com/i/2RWeQ.png Dodgers - http://funkyimg.com/i/2RWeR.png
[x] One AB team contests - updated look to have more prominent AB branding like the lock up, instead of so much white space. Lock up links to use for design inspiration: Cardinals - http://funkyimg.com/i/2RWeP.png Cubs - http://funkyimg.com/i/2RWeQ.png Dodgers - http://funkyimg.com/i/2RWeR.png
[ ] Add the ability to input the prize tied to creating the contest (as a field) as AB wants to track how that impacts entry.
[ ] Add prize attached to the contest entry in the lobby
[ ] Mixpanel set up this weekend on all analytics to track - unique users total, unique users by team, referral source, total entries, entries by team, engagement by prediction category (hitting, defense, pitching, etc), retention of players, entries by type of prize (tickets, merchandise, experiences, memorabilia), engagement by day of the week. Let's disucss and I should be able to do most of this myself once we get the right events and fields in.
[ ] Identify the plan for how I am going to receive the list of users who have completed a Sweep
[ ] Re-review all copy and onboarding for each team-specific entry point and selecting a team (if not already in one). Ensure that users will be able to participate in a new team once the spring training is over.