PleasingFungus / Silicon-Zeroes

Issue repository for Silicon Zeroes. (Contains no actual code.)
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Parallac doesn't fully test SVAC-LDAC sequences #134

Open dominiquelee opened 4 years ago

dominiquelee commented 4 years ago

Some incorrect solutions can pass the Parallac tests, for instance image

Here, LDACs are handled in the middle and SVACs on the outside. To decide what to push in the LDAC, it follows a simple truth table:

So, this supports LDAC-LDAC and LDAC-SVAC, but SVAC-LDAC results in passing -, which is wrong and completely ignores the LDAC (while this is a place where pipeline bypassing is needed).

The SVAC-LDAC sequence is only tested by test 3, but the LDAC here is expected to not change the value so it doesn't catch the failure.