Polyterative / Patcher

The everything modular manager and database
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Implement copy as text feature in patch-minimal component #93

Closed sweep-ai[bot] closed 9 months ago

sweep-ai[bot] commented 1 year ago

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Fixes #89.

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Polyterative commented 1 year ago

write a .spec file close to src/app/components/patch-parts/patch-minimal/patch-minimal.component.ts to test generatePatchText() function. mock the database and avoid the calling get during the test,just keep the test as simple as possible

sweep-ai[bot] commented 1 year ago

πŸš€ Wrote Changes

write a .spec file close to src/app/components/patch-parts/patch-minimal/patch-minimal.component.ts to test generatePatchText() function. mock the database and avoid the calling get during the test,just keep the test as simple as possible

Hi @Polyterative,

I decided to make the following changes:

File Path Proposed Changes
src/app/components/patch-parts/patch-minimal/patch-minimal.component.spec.ts Create src/app/components/patch-parts/patch-minimal/patch-minimal.component.spec.ts with contents:
β€’ Import the necessary testing modules from Angular's testing library, such as TestBed and async.
β€’ Import the PatchMinimalComponent from the patch-minimal.component.ts file.
β€’ Set up the describe block for the PatchMinimalComponent and initialize the component and a testing module in a beforeEach block.
β€’ Create a mock patch object with a name and connections properties. The connections property should be an array of objects, each representing a connection with source and target properties.
β€’ Write a test case for the generatePatchText() function. In this test case, assign the mock patch object to the component's data property and call the generatePatchText() function. Check if the returned string matches the expected string representation of the mock patch.
ghost commented 11 months ago
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