Pomilui / Akira_Page

This page is for the Coding and Data Visualation project on the Akira anime.
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Project Feedback #25

Open Pomilui opened 6 years ago

Pomilui commented 6 years ago

Greetings, fellow Digital Humanities classmates.

If you have any further questions or comments about the Akira Project, please post them here. We will be sure to discuss the project with you further. Thanks.

dorothealint commented 6 years ago

I have to commend you on the script. Being aware of how time consuming it is to fix scripts and then mark them up, I applaud your efforts on this one! Beautiful site design. Only thing is, I wondered why you didn't make the speakers names display the actual names instead of the id tags. Just figuring the public might see this and people tend to think less in terms of tags. Great job!

Pomilui commented 6 years ago

@dorothealint That's a good point, and the tag names are really only remembered by Mark and I. I could go into the XSLT to display the full name like, "Highway Policeman" instead of "hwpolice". The tag names aren't essential to the script or the table, and the screenshot of the ODD where the tags are shown suffices to show how we marked the script using tags that are easier to type than the longer, more descriptive character names. Thanks for the input.

garrettjoiner commented 6 years ago

Your hard work and dedication really shines through. The gifs were a really nice touch! Maybe a little more info on the team! But overall I know that you guys put so much effort into this project and it really shows very smooth webpage!

helvitiis commented 6 years ago

Hey Nick & Mark! I'm so happy to see the project turned out so well.

One small thing--consider listing my name as a mentor rather than a team member, and I'm actually a sophomore and not a junior!

Also, on the analysis page, I see you dropped in the SVG graph from Cytoscape. You can actually tuck all of that into a separate SVG file and call it to show in your HTML page using this line:

<object data="name_of_your_svg_file.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object>

It would cut down on the length of your source code and (might?) make the loading time faster on the page :)

I'm so happy I was able to work with you guys on this amazing project and I hope you have a great summer!

Pomilui commented 6 years ago


Thanks for all your help, Ally. I called the SVG file, and it works! I may put the network graph on a transparent background in a PNG or JPEG later so it will blend in with the black background. I also don't know how to center the network graph SVG on the page.

I also corrected the About the Team page. HAGS (please tell me you remember / used this in high school). I may join you working for The Insider next semester. shrug

Edit: The SVG object didn't work as I thought.

helvitiis commented 6 years ago

@Pomilui I fixed this for you here! b2c1cc6c3eeaad899fa1e7f5a30463624d115323