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Messaging: Planned maintenance for Aurora upgrade #126

Closed joethreepwood closed 10 months ago

joethreepwood commented 10 months ago


We've got a major DB upgrade coming up.

It'll impact US cloud only, take around 4 hours, is planned for Aug 29th, and will require email comms, service page updates and an in-app warning at the time. We're launching this ASAP to ensure users have maximum visibility and warning.

New signups in this time will be redirected to EU cloud.

Audience / Targeting

All US Cloud users.

Resources, timeline, responsibilities

Checklist for deliverables:

Previews of planned copy to go below, for approval from the Infra team.

joethreepwood commented 10 months ago

Proposed in-app banner copy, to target US USERS ONLY.

<span style='font-size: 16px; font-weight: semibold;'>Planned maintenance is currently underway and ingestion is temporarily paused. <a href='>Find out more</a>.</span>

Email copy to send ASAP:

Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 12 25 10

Can I get a comment of approval from @neilkakkar and @danielxnj please? I'll prepare the service page update separately.

@danielxnj Can you confirm that we're working in EDT, rather than EST as specified in the original issue?

joethreepwood commented 10 months ago

Service message changes:

danielxnj commented 10 months ago

Hi @joethreepwood, we want to do it at 6AM EDT. 11 AM is in the middle of the working day for US.

joethreepwood commented 10 months ago
Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 13 53 06

Corrected! All else look OK? I'd like to send this today if it seems good to you and @ellie

neilkakkar commented 10 months ago

Yeah all good thanks!

ellie commented 10 months ago

Looks good to me!

danielxnj commented 10 months ago

Looks good to me. Thanks Joe

joethreepwood commented 10 months ago

Email scheduled to go in about an hour. Service page updates. Banner copy prepped.

Just need to enable the in-app banner app on the day.