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RFC: Feature Flag environments #145

Closed jurajmajerik closed 7 months ago

jurajmajerik commented 8 months ago

We want to add the ability to copy a Feature Flag to another project. Please see this RFC for more details.

jurajmajerik commented 8 months ago

@annikaschmid I iterated on this a bit and moved everything under a new tab "Projects". This hopefully gives more context to the Copy button.

annikaschmid commented 8 months ago

@jurajmajerik 👍

I always try to avoid the yellow warnings, that always looks like something went wrong. Instead I would go with a simple grey information box, that says that if a flag with the same key exists in the target project already, those values will be overwritten.

Is there a way we can automatically detect if a flag exists already when the user selects the project and then change the "copy" button to "update"? That would be even better I think.

neilkakkar commented 7 months ago

yes, and agree, great idea, we wouldn't need the warning when the button says copy/update depending on existence

jurajmajerik commented 7 months ago

Great idea indeed! Just implemented it in