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Content Hub Megaissue / RFC #6644

Closed andyvan-ph closed 12 months ago

andyvan-ph commented 1 year ago

The goal of this issue is:

  1. Outline + get feedback on a plan for content hub(s)
  2. Identify blockers that need addressing
  3. Ensure Marketing and Web & Docs are aligned

Decision date: By Sept 6, preferably Desired shipping date: End of September


The Posts view is somewhat inspired YC’s content library, which is a searchable archive of all its startup advice.

As per Cory’s original issue, the short term goals are:

  1. Aggregate all our content into one view that’s easy to filter
  2. Replace the blog as our main landing page for content
  3. Enable marketing to post short notes, curate 3rd party content without creating a PR
  4. Create a single hub for community to engage with our news, content and ask questions etc.

Long-term ambitions include:

  1. Allowing the community to post their own content
  2. Allowing community to vote / favourite content they like
  3. Creating a community where product engineers can discuss ideas / problems

My proposal for content hubs

The original vision, briefly outlined here, was to have one hub covering all topics.

Instead, I’m proposing two content hubs: one for articles about running a startup, and a second just on products / product engineering.

Why two hubs? Because:

  1. While some founders are product engineers, not all product engineers are founders. They aren’t interested in reading about how to do finance, or legal stuff in a startup.

  2. If we had one hub for all this content, the “product” category would be much larger than all the others, which would be weird.

  3. While product engineering content is higher priority for us, our content about startup life / how we work is popular, so it needs to be easy to find.

As per the original plan, the hubs would be a mixture of our own original content, and curated third-party articles, books, newsletters, etc. we recommend.

Process for creating the content hubs

Once we’re ready technically, I propose we do the following:

  1. Organise all our existing content into appropriate categories
  2. Identify gaps we need to fill / areas for improvement
  3. Decide what content we want to produce to fill those gaps
  4. Add curated third-party content we think adds value

Here are some drafts lists of categories. They’re not set in stone.

Startup hub Description
Management Management and leadership
Finance How to run finance
People Hiring and human resources
Growth Growth strategies and analysis
Sales How to do sales (early and mid-stage)
Remote work Advice on remote working
Engineering General content on engineering topics
Product-market fit How to find it, what it means, how to measure it etc.
Legal Legal stuff
Culture How to create a successful culture
Fundraising How to raise money + dealing with investors
Business models Breakdowns of different startup business models
Founders Advice for founders, including leadership, time management etc.
Customer success How to do customer success (could be rolled into Sales)
Marketing Marketing and content for startups (roll into Growth)
Operations How to run offsites, get shit done etc.
Product engineer hub
AB testing How to run experiments well
Design How to do design + work with desginers as an engineer
Feature management Rolling out new features etc.
Growth engineering Specific content for growth engineers
Onboarding How to improve onboarding + different approaches
Product analytics How to to maximise product analytics
Product metrics What you should measure, when and why
Retention How to measure and improve it
Session replay How to use session replays to improve your product
Talking to users Advice on how talk to users, ask the right questions
Roadmaps How to decide what to build
Activation How to measure and improve activation
Understanding users How people think and use products
Monetization (not sure which hub to put this in, tbh) Pricing models and strategies

SEO blockers

In hindsight, there are some issues with the original implementation of Posts I should have picked up on earlier. I was too focused on design feedback to study the detail, which is on me.

Here’s a summary from an SEO POV:

Nice to haves

These aren’t blockers, but they are things we should improve when we can.

ivanagas commented 1 year ago

Looks good, my thoughts:

andyvan-ph commented 1 year ago
  • By organize all existing content, you mean tag into appropriate category or something else?

Pretty much. The TL;DR is I think most of the content we produce would fit into these two hubs.

  • I think some startup categories could be amalgamated

I did consider this too. I don't feel strongly either way.

  • What is the posts page supposed to rank for? I think its fine if it doesn't rank as long as individual blogs and categories rank better.

Sorry, to clarify, the Posts page doesn't, but currently the filters / categories don't generate URLs and they do need to be indexable. In the short term, the easiest solution would be a different way to tag content for Posts (so we don't need move content off the blog).

If we're determined to move content out of the blog long term, we can come up some kind of index section for Google to nose about in.

  • I think sticky jump links are less important than we think they are, but willing to change my mind if there is data.

Probably fair. As a reader I like them because they reassure me that an article will answer my questions, and they orientate me in the page – i.e. it's easy to see where exactly in the article in a more precise way than scroll bar. I don't think they're important for actual navigation.

andyvan-ph commented 1 year ago

Tagging @charlescook-ph @Lior539 @joethreepwood @smallbrownbike @corywatilo – apologies for missing this before.

Cory + Eli: Let me know if you'd prefer to go over specifics on a call. It might be faster. Written feedback very welcome, too, obviously.

Lior539 commented 1 year ago

Looks good to me!

corywatilo commented 1 year ago

Today, this 5th day of Sepember, representatives from the Website & Docs team and Marketing team have entered a formal agreement for the future of the content section on

We'll now use our left nav in the /posts section


Clicking a collapsible section keeps you within the Posts view. (This is important. If you've come in from Posts, it doesn't make sense to "redirect" you to another section like Guides. Bad for UX.)

BUT, when visiting a content type directly (eg: /tutorials by clicking the Guides subnav)...


Visiting a library does the same thing with left nav

Here's what you'd see at /startups


We'd also have subcategory pages for SEO, like /startups/business-models.

We'd likely just need to add Startups and Product engineering to a dropdown somehow, but need to make it clear that these are content hubs.

Lastly, at some point we'll (slowly) move content hub articles from /blog/slug to /startups/slug and /product-engineering/slug.

andyvan-ph commented 1 year ago

For the sake symmetry, maybe we call the startup hub 'Running a startup' so it's roughly the same length as 'Product engineering' in the nav? URL would stay the same.

joethreepwood commented 1 year ago

Full trust in you here, but it will be really important that we sync this with some changes that @simfish85 and I will need to make regarding the Startups page.

We have several Zapier and automations which reference (and in the future, probably some content in that section). I'd like to have those all updated as close as possible to this change, as well as the obvious redirect.

Note of feedback too: It would be really nice to have some handbook documentation about how this works, when it does. It took me too long to realize that the startups folder was already added recently and that was causing some of my spotlight content not to work as expected.

corywatilo commented 1 year ago

One thing I've been thinking about (but forgot to notate here) is how the index views for things like blog, startup spotlight, newsletter should be - since I believe we decided it's worth keeping those pages but not automatically redirecting to a filtered list of those posts.

Essentially they should be like the front page of a newspaper that references another page where you can continue reading. This is my bad for not explicitly designing this earlier.

Below are the different templates I see us having.

content display modules notes
blog grid w image featured post
newsletter grid w image featured post has interstitial
startup spotlight grid w image featured post
changelog list view filter by product custom view since it shows all details
guides list view filter by product
customer stories list view w image filter by product has pinned post
product engineering hub
startup hub






Startup spotlight






Customer stories


I haven't designed the hub views but there's a wire above for what I'm currently thinking...

andyvan-ph commented 1 year ago

Looks good. RE: the hub views, I feel like they need some imagery. List view is fine, but lists without any kind of preview feels a bit... stark? Maybe we could offer an expanded view by default, and a condensed view?

andyvan-ph commented 1 year ago

Just to note RE: the convo we had in sprint on Monday, I think we go with 'Product engineers' and 'Founders' as the content hubs. Feels more intuitive to organize by audience than topic, and also means we don't need to change the startup program URL – FYI @joethreepwood.

andyvan-ph commented 1 year ago

Update on content hub.

I made start trying to organize existing blog content into a 'Founders hub'. WIP here:

Overview of draft categories + number of articles:

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 17 11 43

Note: these are just ones we'd launch with, we can add more categories + change them as we go along.

Changes I've made since last version:

ivanagas commented 1 year ago
andyvan-ph commented 1 year ago

Yeah, some twist on "Advice for founders" was my other option.

  • Could fundraising combine with ops & finance or being a founder?

Possibly. I think three articles is just about ok to launch with. There's plenty of third-party articles we could add to the section for this.

Lior539 commented 1 year ago

I've trimmed down the original list of a fair bit. I ditched product-market fit as a category, but I'm thinking I should add this back in. Thoughts on this?

Think we should definitely add it! It's such an important topic, and our content on it is really top notch and unique. It doesnt fit into the other categories either

I originally had 'Growth' category, but changed this to 'Analytics' as it seemed more specific and relevant to the content in it.

Growth and Analytics are two very different topics. If the content is "Growth strategies and analysis", then I would stick with Growth as the title. Analytics in no way implies growth.

Also added a catch all 'Being a founder' category instead of 'Management / Leadership' as they weren't quite right. Not sold on the name, though, so open to suggestions on that one.

This is great. I really the idea of a category that's founder specific. Again, our content on this is very good and unique, and something all founders can relate to. I dont think the name is 100% right though, but definitely in the right direction

'Fundraising' is currently the least populated category in the hub. Do we keep it, or merge into something else?

I would keep it as a separate topic. It's not really related to other things. And again, its something founders want to read about

andyvan-ph commented 1 year ago

Have done both hubs now and this is where I've landed:


Screenshot 2023-09-21 at 12 09 23

Link to sheet:



Lior539 commented 1 year ago

Looks good!

I did have a 'Session replay' category in Product engineers, but there are only two articles so moved them into 'User research'

Sounds good. Session replay doesnt need its own category. We can revisit later if we need to.

Added a catch-all 'Engineering' category for things that don't totally fit elsewhere. Open to better suggestions.

Isnt everything in the "product engineering" hub "engineering" by default? I think we need a better name here. Can you share examples of some of the articles?

andyvan-ph commented 1 year ago

Yeah, I don't love it either, but was short on inspiration...

Screenshot 2023-09-21 at 14 03 53

Lior539 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for sharing. "Engineering" is definitely not a good match for this. I wouldnt expect to find some of those in an "engineering", and would expect to find more technical articles instead

How about "General". I know its a bit weak and un-opinionated, but it feels like a better term for a catch all category

andyvan-ph commented 1 year ago

Eh, would like to avoid that if we can. Looking at the list, I'm almost wondering whether they need to be in the hub at all now...

andyvan-ph commented 1 year ago

Additional, @smallbrownbike is going to make it so we can "crosspost" articles into different hubs. Would also mean we could crosspost tutorials into content hubs as well, which is think is worth doing. Som guides, e.g. on canary releases etc., would be useful in the hub.

posthog-contributions-bot[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue has 2045 words at 20 comments. Issues this long are hard to read or contribute to, and tend to take very long to reach a conclusion. Instead, why not:

  1. Write some code and submit a pull request! Code wins arguments
  2. Have a sync meeting to reach a conclusion
  3. Create a Request for Comments and submit a PR with it to the meta repo or product internal repo

Is this issue intended to be sprawling? Consider adding label epic or sprint to indicate this.

corywatilo commented 12 months ago

Good to close @andyvan-ph?