Closed subwayaddicted closed 11 months ago
OBD2 was standardized for cars starting in 2008, so anything at or before 2008 I can't guarantee will work with this lib or ELM327's in general. You should post your (formatted) sketch and (formatted) debug prints where the car goes from a good reading to a timeout
Sure, thanks for the swift answer! I will prepare everything and post tomorrow. Thanks a lot!
#include <BluetoothSerial.h>
#include <ELMduino.h>
#include <atomic>
// const uint8_t led = 2;
ELM327 obd;
BluetoothSerial SerialBT;
TaskHandle_t rpm_task;
std::atomic<short> rpm{ 0 };
const char* pin = "1234";
uint8_t address[6] = { 0xB1, 0x00, 0x27, 0x36, 0x9D, 0xED };
void setup(void) {
// pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
// Do blocking OBD call on one core
get_rpm_task, // Task function.
"Task1", // Name of task.
10000, // Stack size of task
NULL, // Parameter of the task
0, // Priority of the task
&rpm_task, // Task handle to keep track of created task
0); // Pin task to core 0
void loop() {
void get_rpm_task(void* parameters) {
for (;;) {
// Sadly you need this or you will starve the IDLE task
void connect_to_obd() {
SerialBT.begin("auto_friend", true);
bool connected = SerialBT.connect(address);
if (connected) {
Serial.println("Connected Succesfully!");
} else {
while (!SerialBT.connected(10000)) {
Serial.println("Failed to connect. Make sure remote device is available and in range, then restart app.");
while (!obd.begin(SerialBT, false, 1000, 3)) {
Serial.println("Couldn't connect to OBD scanner");
Serial.println("Connected to ELM327");
void read_rpm() {
static unsigned long current_time{ 0 };
static unsigned long previous_rpm_time{ 0 };
static const int rpm_interval{ 52 };
current_time = millis();
if (current_time - previous_rpm_time >= rpm_interval) {
previous_rpm_time = current_time;
if (obd.nb_rx_state != ELM_GETTING_MSG && obd.nb_rx_state != ELM_SUCCESS) {
rpm = static_cast<short>(obd.rpm());
// throttle = static_cast<short>(obd.throttle());
if (rpm != 0) {
Serial.print("RPM: ");
// Serial.print("THROTTLE: "); Serial.println(rpm);
if (rpm >= 1500) {
Serial.print("RPM above 1500: ");
if (rpm >= 1000 && rpm <= 1500) {
Serial.print("RPM above 1500: ");
if (rpm <= 1000) {
Serial.print("RPM below 1500: ");
Output is from slightly different project, differs only in missing Serials for RPM above\below:
16:52:03.238 -> RPM: 758
16:52:03.270 -> Service: 1
16:52:03.270 -> PID: 12
16:52:03.270 -> Normal length query detected
16:52:03.270 -> Query string: 010C1
16:52:03.270 -> Clearing input serial buffer
16:52:03.270 -> Sending the following command/query: 010C1
16:52:03.367 -> Received char: 0
16:52:03.433 -> Received char: 1
16:52:03.498 -> Received char: 0
16:52:03.531 -> Received char: C
16:52:03.597 -> Received char: 1
16:52:03.630 -> Received char: \r
16:52:03.696 -> Received char: 4
16:52:03.728 -> Received char: 1
16:52:03.793 -> Received char: _
16:52:03.859 -> Received char: 0
16:52:03.891 -> Received char: C
16:52:03.957 -> Received char: _
16:52:03.989 -> Received char: 0
16:52:04.055 -> Received char: B
16:52:04.121 -> Received char: _
16:52:04.153 -> Received char: E
16:52:04.217 -> Received char: C
16:52:04.283 -> Received char: _
16:52:04.314 -> Received char: \r
16:52:04.380 -> Received char: \n
16:52:04.413 -> Received char: \r
16:52:04.479 -> Received char: \n
16:52:04.511 -> Received char: >
16:52:04.511 -> Delimiter found.
16:52:04.544 -> All chars received: 010C1410C0BEC
16:52:04.544 -> Expected response header: 410C
16:52:04.544 -> Single response detected
16:52:04.544 -> 64-bit response:
16:52:04.544 -> responseByte_0: 236
16:52:04.544 -> responseByte_1: 11
16:52:04.544 -> responseByte_2: 0
16:52:04.544 -> responseByte_3: 0
16:52:04.544 -> responseByte_4: 0
16:52:04.544 -> responseByte_5: 0
16:52:04.544 -> responseByte_6: 0
16:52:04.544 -> responseByte_7: 0
16:52:04.544 -> RPM: 763
16:52:04.576 -> Service: 1
16:52:04.576 -> PID: 12
16:52:04.576 -> Normal length query detected
16:52:04.609 -> Query string: 010C1
16:52:04.609 -> Clearing input serial buffer
16:52:04.609 -> Sending the following command/query: 010C1
16:52:05.630 -> Timeout detected with overflow of 27ms
16:52:05.696 -> Received:
16:52:05.696 -> ERROR: ELM_TIMEOUT
16:52:05.799 -> Service: 1
16:52:05.799 -> PID: 12
16:52:06.987 -> Clearing input serial buffer
16:52:07.019 -> Sending the following command/query: 010C1
16:52:08.041 -> Timeout detected with overflow of 41ms
16:52:08.106 -> Received:
16:52:08.106 -> ERROR: ELM_TIMEOUT
16:52:08.206 -> Service: 1
16:52:08.206 -> PID: 12
16:52:08.206 -> Normal length query detected
16:52:08.206 -> Query string: 010C1
16:52:08.206 -> Clearing input serial buffer
16:52:08.206 -> Sending the following command/query: 010C1
16:52:09.261 -> Timeout detected with overflow of 41ms
16:52:09.293 -> Received:
16:52:09.326 -> ERROR: ELM_TIMEOUT
16:52:09.425 -> Service: 1
16:52:09.425 -> PID: 12
And continues with timeouts
Even though I got this, sometimes, though rarely, it works pretty stable. Like there are NO DATA's responses from time to time, but no timeouts afterwards. And I am using protocol ISO_9141_5_BAUD_INIT since this the one Honda using as I saw. I also tried 14230 as my first guess was that it was protocol issues. Tried auto as well.
Also, will test on Accord 10 2018, had a small one time test, worked pretty stable, but need to do long time run.
You might want to try without specifying the protocol. Other than that, I'm not sure why the ELM327 or diagnostics computer is going non-responsive
Hi @PowerBroker2 !
So I'm facing similar ELM_TIMEOUT with my 8th gen 2007 Hatchback Civic. I am using ESP32, WROOM-32 to be exact, so using dual core example. You've mentioned in this issue that pre-2008 is not completely compliant with OBDII standards, can you please give more info on that, if possible? What happens on my side is I have readings for some time and after some time getting timeout. I can attach the code if necessary.