PowerBroker2 / ELMduino

Arduino OBD-II Bluetooth Scanner Interface Library for Car Hacking Projects
MIT License
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ELM_TIMEOUT issue with Civic 8th gen #168

Closed subwayaddicted closed 11 months ago

subwayaddicted commented 1 year ago

Hi @PowerBroker2 !

So I'm facing similar ELM_TIMEOUT with my 8th gen 2007 Hatchback Civic. I am using ESP32, WROOM-32 to be exact, so using dual core example. You've mentioned in this issue that pre-2008 is not completely compliant with OBDII standards, can you please give more info on that, if possible? What happens on my side is I have readings for some time and after some time getting timeout. I can attach the code if necessary.

PowerBroker2 commented 1 year ago

OBD2 was standardized for cars starting in 2008, so anything at or before 2008 I can't guarantee will work with this lib or ELM327's in general. You should post your (formatted) sketch and (formatted) debug prints where the car goes from a good reading to a timeout

subwayaddicted commented 1 year ago

Sure, thanks for the swift answer! I will prepare everything and post tomorrow. Thanks a lot!

subwayaddicted commented 1 year ago


#include <BluetoothSerial.h>
#include <ELMduino.h>
#include <atomic>

// const uint8_t led = 2;

ELM327 obd;
BluetoothSerial SerialBT;
TaskHandle_t rpm_task;

std::atomic<short> rpm{ 0 };

const char* pin = "1234";
uint8_t address[6] = { 0xB1, 0x00, 0x27, 0x36, 0x9D, 0xED };

void setup(void) {


  // pinMode(led, OUTPUT);

  // Do blocking OBD call on one core
    get_rpm_task,  // Task function.
    "Task1",       // Name of task.
    10000,         // Stack size of task
    NULL,          // Parameter of the task
    0,             // Priority of the task
    &rpm_task,     // Task handle to keep track of created task
    0);            // Pin task to core 0


void loop() {

void get_rpm_task(void* parameters) {
  for (;;) {
    // Sadly you need this or you will starve the IDLE task

void connect_to_obd() {
  SerialBT.begin("auto_friend", true);

  bool connected = SerialBT.connect(address);

  if (connected) {
    Serial.println("Connected Succesfully!");
  } else {
    while (!SerialBT.connected(10000)) {
      Serial.println("Failed to connect. Make sure remote device is available and in range, then restart app.");

  while (!obd.begin(SerialBT, false, 1000, 3)) {
    Serial.println("Couldn't connect to OBD scanner");

  Serial.println("Connected to ELM327");

void read_rpm() {
  static unsigned long current_time{ 0 };
  static unsigned long previous_rpm_time{ 0 };
  static const int rpm_interval{ 52 };

  current_time = millis();

  if (current_time - previous_rpm_time >= rpm_interval) {
    previous_rpm_time = current_time;

    if (obd.nb_rx_state != ELM_GETTING_MSG && obd.nb_rx_state != ELM_SUCCESS) {

    rpm = static_cast<short>(obd.rpm());
    // throttle = static_cast<short>(obd.throttle());

    if (rpm != 0) {
      Serial.print("RPM: ");
      // Serial.print("THROTTLE: "); Serial.println(rpm);
      if (rpm >= 1500) {
        Serial.print("RPM above 1500: ");
      if (rpm >= 1000 && rpm <= 1500) {
        Serial.print("RPM above 1500: ");
      if (rpm <= 1000) {
        Serial.print("RPM below 1500: ");
subwayaddicted commented 1 year ago

Output is from slightly different project, differs only in missing Serials for RPM above\below:

16:52:03.238 -> RPM: 758
16:52:03.270 -> Service: 1
16:52:03.270 -> PID: 12
16:52:03.270 -> Normal length query detected
16:52:03.270 -> Query string: 010C1
16:52:03.270 -> Clearing input serial buffer
16:52:03.270 -> Sending the following command/query: 010C1
16:52:03.367 ->     Received char: 0
16:52:03.433 ->     Received char: 1
16:52:03.498 ->     Received char: 0
16:52:03.531 ->     Received char: C
16:52:03.597 ->     Received char: 1
16:52:03.630 ->     Received char: \r
16:52:03.696 ->     Received char: 4
16:52:03.728 ->     Received char: 1
16:52:03.793 ->     Received char: _
16:52:03.859 ->     Received char: 0
16:52:03.891 ->     Received char: C
16:52:03.957 ->     Received char: _
16:52:03.989 ->     Received char: 0
16:52:04.055 ->     Received char: B
16:52:04.121 ->     Received char: _
16:52:04.153 ->     Received char: E
16:52:04.217 ->     Received char: C
16:52:04.283 ->     Received char: _
16:52:04.314 ->     Received char: \r
16:52:04.380 ->     Received char: \n
16:52:04.413 ->     Received char: \r
16:52:04.479 ->     Received char: \n
16:52:04.511 ->     Received char: >
16:52:04.511 -> Delimiter found.
16:52:04.544 -> All chars received: 010C1410C0BEC
16:52:04.544 -> Expected response header: 410C
16:52:04.544 -> Single response detected
16:52:04.544 -> 64-bit response: 
16:52:04.544 ->     responseByte_0: 236
16:52:04.544 ->     responseByte_1: 11
16:52:04.544 ->     responseByte_2: 0
16:52:04.544 ->     responseByte_3: 0
16:52:04.544 ->     responseByte_4: 0
16:52:04.544 ->     responseByte_5: 0
16:52:04.544 ->     responseByte_6: 0
16:52:04.544 ->     responseByte_7: 0
16:52:04.544 -> RPM: 763
16:52:04.576 -> Service: 1
16:52:04.576 -> PID: 12
16:52:04.576 -> Normal length query detected
16:52:04.609 -> Query string: 010C1
16:52:04.609 -> Clearing input serial buffer
16:52:04.609 -> Sending the following command/query: 010C1
16:52:05.630 -> Timeout detected with overflow of 27ms
16:52:05.696 -> Received: 
16:52:05.696 -> ERROR: ELM_TIMEOUT
16:52:05.799 -> Service: 1
16:52:05.799 -> PID: 12
16:52:06.987 -> Clearing input serial buffer
16:52:07.019 -> Sending the following command/query: 010C1
16:52:08.041 -> Timeout detected with overflow of 41ms
16:52:08.106 -> Received: 
16:52:08.106 -> ERROR: ELM_TIMEOUT
16:52:08.206 -> Service: 1
16:52:08.206 -> PID: 12
16:52:08.206 -> Normal length query detected
16:52:08.206 -> Query string: 010C1
16:52:08.206 -> Clearing input serial buffer
16:52:08.206 -> Sending the following command/query: 010C1
16:52:09.261 -> Timeout detected with overflow of 41ms
16:52:09.293 -> Received: 
16:52:09.326 -> ERROR: ELM_TIMEOUT
16:52:09.425 -> Service: 1
16:52:09.425 -> PID: 12

And continues with timeouts

subwayaddicted commented 1 year ago

Even though I got this, sometimes, though rarely, it works pretty stable. Like there are NO DATA's responses from time to time, but no timeouts afterwards. And I am using protocol ISO_9141_5_BAUD_INIT since this the one Honda using as I saw. I also tried 14230 as my first guess was that it was protocol issues. Tried auto as well.

subwayaddicted commented 1 year ago

Also, will test on Accord 10 2018, had a small one time test, worked pretty stable, but need to do long time run.

PowerBroker2 commented 1 year ago

You might want to try without specifying the protocol. Other than that, I'm not sure why the ELM327 or diagnostics computer is going non-responsive