New: Register-PSFMessageColorTransform - Adds a rule that changes the color of messages when applicable.
New: Unregister-PSFMessageColorTransform - Removes a previously registered message color rule.
New: Get-PSFMessageColorTransform - Lists registered message color rules.
Upd: ConvertTo-PSFHashtable - Automatically adds all keys of a -Remap hashtable to include
Upd: ConvertTo-PSFHashtable - Allows using -Include and -Exclude together with -ReferenceCommand
Upd: ConvertTo-PSFHashtable - When explicitly binding the CaseSensitive parameter, input objects that are hashtables will be converted to the proper case handling
Upd: ConvertTo-PSFHashtable - Added -ReferenceParameterSetName parameter to only include parameters applicable to a specified parameterset
Upd: Messages - added option to include the level of a message in the message written to screen
Upd: Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile - now accepts path as a positional argument
Upd: Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile - now also supports jsonc documents
Upd: Type PSFCmdlet - minor performance improvement (removed dynamic scriptblocks for message events)
Upd: Type PsfScriptBlock - added second constructor (Scriptblock, bool) to unwrap nested scriptblocks (e.g. when importing from psd1)
Upd: Logging Provider: logfile - added ability to rename properties and access sub-properties (such as entries in the data field)
Upd: Logging Provider: logfile - added new supported header: DataCompact. This will include a compacted form of the header data.
Upd: Logging Provider: eventlog - added ability to specify event id via data field 'EventLog.ID'
Upd: Logging Provider: eventlog - added option to use the first purely numeric tag as eventid
Upd: Logging Provider: eventlog - added option to provide a hashtable to map tags to eventid
Fix: Disable-PSFLoggingProvider - throws an error about timeout being reached while still disabling correctly.
hashtable to include-Include
together with-ReferenceCommand
parameter, input objects that are hashtables will be converted to the proper case handling-ReferenceParameterSetName
parameter to only include parameters applicable to a specified parameterset