PradyumnaKrishna / enigma-protocol

An end to end encrypted messenger using Flask, SocketIO, and Vue.js
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Breakdown client into components #37

Open PradyumnaKrishna opened 10 months ago

PradyumnaKrishna commented 10 months ago

Description Client is build with Vue.js that has support uses modular approach like Vue components. Currently, the client is a one big Vue file that contains all code. What I am thinking is to rebuild the complete client side using components, there can be two approaches.

Interested contributors comment your approach to solve this issue. This is a one big issue, I will split it into many minor issues so that many contributors can contribute to it.

PradyumnaKrishna commented 10 months ago

closes #13 closes #17 and closes #25 as a parent issue.

Selwan7131 commented 10 months ago

Hello, I would like to work on this issue under GSSoC'23 I would like to follow the approach of rebuilding the front end from scratch.

Selwan7131 commented 10 months ago

When I run the application and navigate to the chat route I get a buffer error is that normal? Do you have any idea how to fix it

srivastavas07 commented 10 months ago

Hello, I would like to work on this issue under GSSoC'23

PradyumnaKrishna commented 10 months ago

I am looking to use these components to build the UI. @srivastavas07 can you do this? If you need any help I am ready for it. We can do this together if you want. We can use typescript with vue.js from now, to make it easier or if you want lets just use js.

Lets migrate components one by one, starting from message form.

PradyumnaKrishna commented 10 months ago

Each component will be one PR with level 3 and I am looking for as many contributors as possible. Thank you

Selwan7131 commented 10 months ago

I want to contribute to this problem!

PradyumnaKrishna commented 10 months ago

Sure @Selwan7131, go ahead.

DEEKSHACodeaim commented 9 months ago

Can I work on this issue inder GSSOC '23 ?

PradyumnaKrishna commented 9 months ago

Sure @DEEKSHACodeaim, I will assign this to you as well.

DEEKSHACodeaim commented 9 months ago

@PradyumnaKrishna Can you explain as to what is left in this and what you expect me to work on in particular that will help me be more focussed. Thankyou

PradyumnaKrishna commented 9 months ago

@PradyumnaKrishna Can you explain as to what is left in this and what you expect me to work on in particular that will help me be more focussed. Thankyou

I will provide you more details on this in a few days.

PradyumnaKrishna commented 9 months ago

I have created #78 that creates a messageForm component taking reference from

We can create more components like this that will have different properties. Look at this there are more components that we can include.

I am looking to get new components that are:

@DEEKSHACodeaim if you have any question feel free to ask, I will provide help.

DEEKSHACodeaim commented 9 months ago

Please give me a week's time and I will update my progress to you. Thank you for assigning this task to me. I will contact you if I need further guidance

DEEKSHACodeaim commented 9 months ago

Also could you please add the gssoc '23 and level labels. Thanks

PradyumnaKrishna commented 9 months ago

@DEEKSHACodeaim The alert component is #79 and already assigned, you are welcome to add another component. If you want I can create a separate issue for a component and assign it to you.

DEEKSHACodeaim commented 9 months ago

Ok, I will not work on the alert component then, I'll work on other components you had listed like the Chat List Header, chat Messages, etc. After I'm done with either I'll let you know if I can work on another as well. Could please tell me what level this issue comes under though?

PradyumnaKrishna commented 9 months ago

Every PR will be level3 that adds a component.

Nishitbaria commented 9 months ago

I have created #78 that creates a messageForm component taking reference from

We can create more components like this that will have different properties. Look at this there are more components that we can include.

I am looking to get new components that are:

  • [x] MessageForm
  • [ ] Alert Component (For notification that will have a cross button)
  • [ ] Chat List Header (That will list chats)
  • [ ] Chat Messages
  • [ ] Chat Card (Sub component of Chat List Header)
  • [ ] Chat Header
  • [ ] User Info

@DEEKSHACodeaim if you have any question feel free to ask, I will provide help.

@PradyumnaKrishna which component are remaining that i can work on please assign me

DEEKSHACodeaim commented 9 months ago

@Nishitbaria I am working on the Chat and user components

Nishitbaria commented 9 months ago

@DEEKSHACodeaim ,multiple pr will be made for this ,so dont worry

DEEKSHACodeaim commented 9 months ago

@Nishitbaria you can definitely work on others, just wanted to let you know the ones I'm working on and assigned to me

PradyumnaKrishna commented 9 months ago

Alert and MessageForm components are completed.

Nishitbaria commented 9 months ago

@PradyumnaKrishna ,Which component are remainning which i can work?

PradyumnaKrishna commented 9 months ago

I guess you can work on chat header. The chat header will contain a user id only for now. We might add new feature over time. Also, look at the MessageForm to make the chat theme similar.

Goheljay commented 6 months ago

Hey, @PradyumnaKrishna I want to contribute in this project under hacktoberfest. Can you tell me if there is any component left that I can work on?

PradyumnaKrishna commented 6 months ago

Thanks @Goheljay for your interest in this issue.

Yeah, you can work on user-info card, where username is located and a input for start a chat. Other component would be chat list and chat card, you can work on any of them.

Screenshot 2023-10-01 at 10 04 29
Tizzz-555 commented 6 months ago

Hi @PradyumnaKrishna I am also interested in contributing, can I pick a component?

PradyumnaKrishna commented 6 months ago

Welcome @Tizzz-555, This is the list of unimplemented components till now, you are welcome to add any.

Feel free to ask any questions.

tara-matthew commented 6 months ago

Hey! Would I be able to work on one of these components?

PradyumnaKrishna commented 6 months ago

Hey! Would I be able to work on one of these components?

You're welcome to contribute to any of these components.

tara-matthew commented 6 months ago

Are you planning on using atomic design at all? It might make sense to start with atoms if so. I'd guess that the Chat Header is an atom? If so I'd like to be assigned that please.

PradyumnaKrishna commented 6 months ago

Sure @tara-matthew, you are welcome to create another issue for that and I will assign it to you.

tara-matthew commented 6 months ago

Fantastic, thank you! I've decided to go for the Chat Card having looked through the code. I'll get working on this tomorrow 🚀 Could I just check which part of Chat.vue you'd want to be separated out as the Chat Card? I can see a card-body div. I checked your diagram above to cross-reference, but it's still quite unclear which part you consider to be the Chat Card. Thank you! This will all become a lot clearer as we separate everything out 👍

PradyumnaKrishna commented 6 months ago

Chat card is just a button for now, I am thinking to make it more than a button. It will show user id and the last message. So, We require a component that contains user id and the last message, and that I call chat card.

We will pass the following props to the chat card component.

Tizzz-555 commented 6 months ago

@PradyumnaKrishna What is the MessageForm component doing? It seems like is not used anywhere. I was thinking of doing the Chat Messages component, but I would like to understand better what the MessageForm is

PradyumnaKrishna commented 5 months ago

@PradyumnaKrishna What is the MessageForm component doing?

Ah I just didn't added it to the chat UI, you can create a PR adding it to the chat window or work on the chat messages. Two PRs