Unlock the Badge of Collaboration Excellence with 'Pair Extraordinaire'!
With a single issue, it automatically generates the prestigious 'Pair Extraordinaire' achievement badge for your GitHub profile. Showcase your exceptional pairing skills and highlight your commitment to collaborative coding. Elevate your GitHub presence and inspire others to embrace the power of teamwork. Join the ranks of extraordinary pairs and stand out in the open-source community. Level up your collaboration game with 'Pair Extraordinaire'!"
Pair Extraordinaire
badge for your GitHub profile.Extraordinaire.md
file.Pair Extraordinaire request
. it's content
should be like
this:Name: <Your Name>
Email: <Your Email>
NOTE for Email: This should by your primary github email. you can check it by going to your profile > settings > email > Primary Email.
if you have git set up on your system, you can run this command in your terminal to get your primary email:
NOTE: We do not store your email anywhere. it is only used to give co-authorship.
git config --global user.email
Pair Extraordinaire
badge. and you will be added
to Extraordinaire.md