PranabNandy / BeagleBone-Black-Platform-Bring-Up

Learn about Bootloader, toolchains, Linux system calls & implement user space application on BeagleBone-Black
GNU General Public License v3.0
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bbb beaglebone-black bootloader buidroot busybox cross-compiler device-tree embedded-linux embedded-software-engineer-roadmap embedded-system-design embedded-systems-engineering gpio linux-device-driver linux-kernel mpu6050 single-board-computer systemcalls u-boot

Embedded System Development using BBB

BBB is a SBC (Single Board Computer)

Objective of the Project

BBB uses TI’s AM355x SOC

Screenshot from 2023-09-16 12-10-15


Hardware Sortware Reference
Beaglebone Black Rev.C Ubuntu 18.04 Exploring BeagleBone Tools and Techniques for Building with Embeddded Linux ®Derek Molloy
MPU6050 VSC or Vim AM335x ARM® Cortex™-A8 Microprocessors (MPUs) Technical Reference Manual
ADXL345 Cross compile AM335x Datasheet
Button BusyBox Beagleboard Cape Expansion Headers
Leds Buildroot BeagleBone-Black System Reference Manual
74HC595 Minicom MPU-6000/MPU-6050 Product Specification
TMP36 GParted ADXL345 Datasheet
FT232RL USB Serial TMP36 Datasheet
SD card (>4GB) 16x2 LCD HD44780 Datasheet
RTC-DS3231 RTC-DS3231
GPS-Neo6M MPU-6000 and MPU-6050 Register Map and Descriptions Revision 4.2

How to connecting BBB to PC using external USB TO UART converter

Screenshot from 2020-08-25 22-18-12

Instruction list

  1. CGI using C++ on the BeagleBone
  2. Introduction to the BeagleBone Black Device Tree
  3. The Beaglebone Black and Device Tree Overlays
  4. Sharing internet using Network-Over-USB in BeagleBone Black

Why use BeagleBone Black​ ?

Use Case of Board Bring Up Activity

We will focus on upstream components:

1. U-Boot: this is the most often used bootloader in embedded systems and it’s recommended for BBB. 
We will use upstream U-Boot, as it supports BBB.
2. Linux Kernel: it’s a main part of Linux OS. We will use upstream kernel, as it supports BBB.
3. BusyBox rootfs: it’s minimal, so it’s the best choice for understanding the crucial OS parts. 
It can be useful in real work for testing, debugging and isolating the bugs, due to its minimalistic 
nature. It also often can be found in networking devices (routers, etc), and is used as initramfs 
in desktop GNU/Linux distributions.

4 elements of BBB board End-to-End Bring Up with Upstream Components