Predelnik / DSpellCheck

Notepad++ Spell-checking Plug-in
GNU General Public License v2.0
199 stars 32 forks source link

Find LibreOffice and/or Firefox dictionaries #11

Open ffes opened 11 years ago

ffes commented 11 years ago

It would be very nice if the plug-in could find the LibreOffice or Firefox dictionaries that are already installed on the pc. These products use Hunspell. I think quite some N++ users also have one of these products installed.

LibreOffice: C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 4.0\share\extensions\dict-*\

Firefox dictionaries are a bit more complex to find because the default language (Dutch in my case) comes with the browser and is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\dictionaries, but the languages I added (like English) are in the user profile: C:\Users\Frank\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\6tujqnz2.default\extensions\\dictionaries I assume Thunderbird works similar, don't know because I don't use Thunderbird.

On my old pc at home I have 32-bit XP, so here they are in the normal C:\Program Files\ directory. I don't know where the words added to the user dictionary are stored, but remember that not everybody can write in program files directories.

According to Chrome uses Hunspell as well, but in my Chrome directory are .bdic dictionaries. Found where they say that .bdic are their own optimized hunspell dictionaries, so they won't help your plug-in.

Predelnik commented 11 years ago

Well yes I think it would be useful. By the way, I checked out that openoffice stores dictionaries in their own .oxt format, which is basically zipped file with a lot of .aff, .dic files, not very easy to use file of that kind though). About chrome, maybe with specification (it's open afterall) they could be used.

Btw the thing I really don't like about Hunspell is that it have very little standards, so everyone uses it as they like. Even though they have some compressed format .hzip but no one is using it and from my perspective there is no standard way of handling user dictionary so again everyone doing it as they please.

But I'll look into using of other applications dictionaries, that's for sure :)

ferenczy commented 5 years ago

But this total mess is caused by the Windows platform. Spell checking feature (everywhere) should be one of few features provided by the operating system.