PrehistoricKingdom / feedback

Feedback and bug reports for Prehistoric Kingdom
5 stars 2 forks source link

Issues w/ Guest Interaction, QOL & FPS #863

Open amfyolo opened 2 years ago

amfyolo commented 2 years ago

Brief submission regarding my time in the beta. I have over 1000 hours in Planet Zoo. This is a promising game, but a lot of issues need to be addressed. There's a lot of innovation here and if the team sees this I hope they know how excited a lot of people are for this.


UI/GAMEPLAY -UI/Taskbar: I mention this below, but fluidity of play is about a 5 out of 10. In similar games I can get to essential infrastructure with a keystroke or on a taskbar. In Prehistoric Kingdom, I have to click everything, which is a pain, and makes building anything more than a prefab a nightmare.


All the great innovation here will be missed if users can't access it.