PrestoXen / openopera-issues

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Porting to other platforms #9

Open PrestoXen opened 7 years ago

PrestoXen commented 7 years ago

One of the best parts about having code is being able to port it!

Someone on /g/ did get a Pi port functioning (instructions here:, although the patch breaks normal Linux builds, it'd be nice if we could have this as another platform choice instead.

There's also requests for a Pandora port, which could probably be done about the same way the Pi port was done.

Zero3K commented 7 years ago

I tried doing it on my own but the Python that is included with the version of Code::Blocks compiled for the Pandora is missing some modules. So, if someone is able to get it to work in Angstrom Linux, it should then work on the Pandora.

Peter2121 commented 7 years ago

It would be nice if someone create the patches to compile it for FreeBSD 10.x.

batmont commented 7 years ago

Is it possible to port [this Windows app] to a Windows RT app?

It would be great to release this app on tablets. RT Jailbreak allows to run unapproved non-Microsoft ARM-compiled .exes on the tablet


If not all needed MS libraries are ported to ARM For example, there are apps which have been recompiled or run un-modified and Native-ported libraries

Zero3K commented 4 years ago

Any news regarding this issue?