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CompCert planned change: adding a `Mbool` memory chunk #779

Closed xavierleroy closed 2 months ago

xavierleroy commented 3 months ago

Just drawing your attention to an upcoming change in CompCert's memory model and C semantics: .

This change tightens the semantics of loading from l-values of type _Bool: the result is now Vundef if the byte read from memory is neither 0 nor 1, while it was 1 before. Maybe this will require a similar tightening of VST's "points-to" assertions for l-values of type _Bool; or maybe those assertions are already "tight enough" to guarantee that the value is 0 or 1.

Let me know if you see big problems with this change.

andrew-appel commented 3 months ago

Here's my "at first glance" report, which may be inaccurate. I'm looking at VST 3.0beta (which is where we should be looking in the future) but I suspect it will be the same in VST 2.x. The address_mapsto predicate at line 164 of res_predicates.v uses CompCert's decode_val in its definition, so very possibly the assertion is already "tight enough".

xavierleroy commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the pointers. I agree that everything defined in terms of CompCert's decode_val, encode_val, and load_result should extend automatically to the new Mbool chunks, and that the properties of the other chunks will not change.

I was more concerned about what happens at the Veri-C level. With the current CompCert, mapsto sh (Tint IBool Unsigned noattr) v1 v2 and mapsto sh (Tint I8 Unsigned noattr) v1 v2 are equivalent, since both _Bool and unsigned char types map to the Mint8unsigned chunk. With the PR proposal, they are not equivalent: "mapsto" at type _Bool implies "mapsto" at type unsigned char, not the other way around.

I think the semax_store rule remains valid with the PR proposal, and is applicable in exactly the same cases. The semax_store_union_hack rules should remain valid if the definition of decode_encode_val_ok is unchanged, or is extended with a case Mbool, Mint8unsigned => True.

But there are examples that could be proved correct with semax_store_union_hack and that can no longer be proved correct with the PR, and rightfully so because they become undefined behavior. A typical example:

unsigned char f(unsigned char x) {
    union { unsigned char c; _Bool b } u;
    u.c = x; return u.b;

With Veri-C and the current CompCert, I think you can prove that f(42) = 42. Once the PR is applied, this will no longer be provable, and for good reasons since f(42) becomes undefined behavior ( u.b reads as Vundef, not Vint 42).

andrew-appel commented 3 months ago

The original motivation for semax_store_union_hack is to access the bits of a floating-point number. If that still works, then I am not concerned about the inability to use semax_store_union_hack to convert between Bool and char.

xavierleroy commented 3 months ago

The change concerns exclusively the type _Bool. int/float and long/double unions will not be affected.

Feel free to close this issue, or leave it open as a reminder that VST will need updating when the change in CompCert is released.

andrew-appel commented 2 months ago

I am happy to report that P.R. #781 incorporates this change with no problem (and other changes to the CompCert master without much problem), so I can close this issue.

xavierleroy commented 2 months ago

Excellent! Thanks for the early testing. The next release of CompCert, incorporating these changes, will take place this Fall. I'm not expecting more AST changes than those you've already addressed.