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Possibly useful mod for the command-line plugin #1021

Open oletizi opened 8 years ago

oletizi commented 8 years ago

Hi folks,

I needed to hack in support for multiple different prompts in a single command-line block to the command-line plugin. It's pretty straightforward (see code snippet below).

It adds an option to specify prompts on a per-line basis by setting the prompt attribute to something like this:


Of course, if you don't use the augmented prompt syntax, then the prompt syntax works the standard way.

You may or may not want to add support for this to the command-line module, but I thought since I found it useful, others may, too.

Cheers, --Orion

        if (promptText !== '') {
            if (promptText.includes('|')) {
                // promptText format : 1|myPromptText;2-3|myOtherPrompt;4,8|myThirdPrompt
                // promptChunks: an array of
                var promptChunks = promptText.split(';');
                // prompts: an array of line number => prompt text
                var prompts = [];
                for (var i = 0; i < promptChunks.length; i++) {
                    // promptSections: 0 - line range; 1 - prompt value
                    var promptSections = promptChunks[i].split('|');
                    var promptValue = promptSections[1];
                    var promptRanges = promptSections[0].split(',');
                    for (var p = 0; p < promptRanges.length; p++) {
                        var promptRange = promptRanges[p].split('-');
                        var promptStart = parseInt(promptRange[0]);
                        var promptEnd = promptStart;
                        if (promptRange.length === 2) {
                            promptEnd = parseInt(promptRange[1]);
                        if (!isNaN(promptStart) && !isNaN(promptEnd)) {
                            for (var j = promptStart; j <= promptEnd; j++) {
                                var index = j-1;
                                prompts[index] = promptValue;
                for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
                    var thePrompt = typeof prompts[i] === "undefined" ? ": >" : prompts[i];
                    lines[i] = '';
                lines = lines.join('');
            } else {
                lines = lines.join('');
        } else {
            var user = pre.getAttribute('data-user') || 'user';
            var host = pre.getAttribute('data-host') || 'localhost';
            lines = lines.join('');
derek-shnosh commented 5 years ago

@oletizi, I stumbled upon this while trying to find a way to have prompts for switch configuration examples. Having no JS experience, I took a stab at adapting your hack to the changes in the current command-line plugin but can't seem to get it working quite right.

Whenever I configure multiple prompts, they all return undefined they work but it seems that the undefined value is appended as many times as the line number (n); if you have an opportunity to take a look, I'd greatly appreciate any input you may have.

Here is a fiddle for reference


Modified hack...

    if (promptText !== '') {
        if (promptText.includes('|')) {
            // promptText format : 1|myPromptText;2-3|myOtherPrompt;4,8|myThirdPrompt
            // promptChunks: an array of
            var promptChunks = promptText.split(';');
            // prompts: an array of line number => prompt text
            var prompts = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < promptChunks.length; i++) {
                // promptSections: 0 - line range; 1 - prompt value
                var promptSections = promptChunks[i].split('|');
                var promptValue = promptSections[1];
                var promptRanges = promptSections[0].split(',');
                for (var p = 0; p < promptRanges.length; p++) {
                    var promptRange = promptRanges[p].split('-');
                    var promptStart = parseInt(promptRange[0]);
                    var promptEnd = promptStart;
                    if (promptRange.length === 2) {
                        promptEnd = parseInt(promptRange[1]);
                    if (!isNaN(promptStart) && !isNaN(promptEnd)) {
                        for (var j = promptStart; j <= promptEnd; j++) {
                            var index = j-1;
                            prompts[index] = promptValue;
            for (var i = 0; i < promptLines.length; i++) {
                var promptText = typeof prompts[i] === "undefined" ? ": >" : prompts[i];
                promptLines[i] = '<span data-prompt="' + promptText + '"></span>';
            promptLines = promptLines.join('<span data-prompt="' + promptText + '"></span>');
        } else {
            promptLines = promptLines.join('<span data-prompt="' + promptText + '"></span>');
    } else {
        var user = getAttribute('data-user', 'user');
        var host = getAttribute('data-host', 'localhost');
        promptLines = promptLines.join('<span data-user="' + user + '" data-host="' + host + '"></span>');
derek-shnosh commented 5 years ago

Well then, guess I just needed a clearer head; got it sorted out but would appreciate any validation.

First, removed the redundant join content after the for loop.

        promptLines = promptLines.join('');

Then only ended up with one extra line being marked as undefined (or : >), so I updated the for loop to compare i against promptLines.length-1.

        for (var i = 0; i < promptLines.length-1; i++) {

Modified hack (working)...



    if (promptText !== '') {
        if (promptText.includes('|')) {
            // promptText format : 1|myPromptText;2-3|myOtherPrompt;4,8|myThirdPrompt
            // promptChunks: an array of
            var promptChunks = promptText.split(';');
            // prompts: an array of line number => prompt text
            var prompts = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < promptChunks.length; i++) {
                // promptSections: 0 - line range; 1 - prompt value
                var promptSections = promptChunks[i].split('|');
                var promptValue = promptSections[1];
                var promptRanges = promptSections[0].split(',');
                for (var p = 0; p < promptRanges.length; p++) {
                    var promptRange = promptRanges[p].split('-');
                    var promptStart = parseInt(promptRange[0]);
                    var promptEnd = promptStart;
                    if (promptRange.length === 2) {
                        promptEnd = parseInt(promptRange[1]);
                    if (!isNaN(promptStart) && !isNaN(promptEnd)) {
                        for (var j = promptStart; j <= promptEnd; j++) {
                            var index = j-1;
                            prompts[index] = promptValue;
            for (var i = 0; i < promptLines.length-1; i++) {
                var promptText = typeof prompts[i] === "undefined" ? ": >" : prompts[i];
                promptLines[i] = '<span data-prompt="' + promptText + '"></span>';
            promptLines = promptLines.join('');
        } else {
            promptLines = promptLines.join('<span data-prompt="' + promptText + '"></span>');
    } else {
        var user = getAttribute('data-user', 'user');
        var host = getAttribute('data-host', 'localhost');
        promptLines = promptLines.join('<span data-user="' + user + '" data-host="' + host + '"></span>');
Aaron-Gonz commented 4 years ago

This would be a great enhancement as some routers / switches have several different command modes with their corresponding prompts.

Cisco IOS Example: Router> | - User EXEC mode Router# | - Privileged EXEC mode Router(config)# | - Configuration mode (notice the # sign indicates this is accessible only at privileged EXEC mode) Router(config-if)# | - Interface level within configuration mode Router(config-router)# | - Routing engine level within configuration mode Router(config-line)# | - Line level (vty, tty, async) within configuration mode

derek-shnosh commented 4 years ago

@VoIP-Dude - the code snippet I posted above works if you're comfortable modifying your local version yourself.

I have an example of what you're talking about on my site.

Given, it is a but cumbersome to manage with the data-prompt attribute; here's the source for the changing prompt table.

<pre class="command-line language-cisco-nxos" data-prompt="1|NX-OSv(config)#;2|NX-OSv#">
copy run start</code></pre>
Aaron-Gonz commented 4 years ago

@derek-shnosh I tried modifying my local copy of prism.js (v1.21.0) with the snippet you posted on Mar 28, 2019 but couldn't get it to work. Are you changing the command-line plugin section in prism.js or adding new lines of code? Have you tested with PrismJS version 1.21.0?

I'm not sure if the plugins and languages I'm using makes a difference either but here's a link to the custom version I'm using in case you wanted to have a crack at it and share as a fiddle ;) .


derek-shnosh commented 4 years ago

@VoIP-Dude I'm still using whatever version that was current-ish when I fumbled through the code to make the "tweak" work. The Fiddle from my original response has the entire .js, looks like it was version 1.15.

I just took @oletizi's hack and tacked it on to the end of the script, then modified a couple lines to get it working; couldn't tell you which anymore to be honest. Could probably diff his hack and my tweak to find out what changed.