I took the code, but it breaks only one block, for example: collect dirt.
He will only break 1 block, but I want me to write: collect dirt 64, and he dug 64 dirt. Please help me!
let mcData
bot.once('spawn', () => {
mcData = require('minecraft-data')(bot.version);
if (blocks.length === 0) {
bot.chat("I don't see that block nearby.")
const targets = []
for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(blocks.length, count); i++) {
bot.chat(Found ${targets.length} ${type}(s))
try {
await bot.collectBlock.collect(targets)
// All blocks have been collected.
} catch (err) {
// An error occurred, report it.
I took the code, but it breaks only one block, for example: collect dirt. He will only break 1 block, but I want me to write: collect dirt 64, and he dug 64 dirt. Please help me! Code: let mcData bot.once('spawn', () => { mcData = require('minecraft-data')(bot.version); })
bot.on('chat', async (username, message) => { const args = message.split(' ') if (args[0] !== 'collect') return
let count = 1 if (args.length === 3) count = parseInt(args[1])
let type = args[1] if (args.length === 3) type = args[2]
const blockType = mcData.blocksByName[type] if (!blockType) { return }
const blocks = bot.findBlocks({ matching: blockType.id, maxDistance: 64, count: count })
if (blocks.length === 0) { bot.chat("I don't see that block nearby.") return }
const targets = [] for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(blocks.length, count); i++) { targets.push(bot.blockAt(blocks[i])) }
Found ${targets.length} ${type}(s)
)try { await bot.collectBlock.collect(targets) // All blocks have been collected. bot.chat('Done') } catch (err) { // An error occurred, report it. bot.chat(err.message) console.log(err) }