ProfessionalWiki / Maps

🗺 Maps is the MediaWiki extension that enables visualization of geographic data with dynamic embedded maps.
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Size issues with GeoJSON #565

Open krabina opened 5 years ago

krabina commented 5 years ago



I have tried the GeoSON capabilities of maps and there seem to be size issues:

As GeoJSON files can become very large, putting them as Wikipage in the Geojson: namespace simply will not work. Is there a way to overcome this?

Secondly the parameter geojson= that points to an small file, works, pointint it to a larger file results either in the page not being saved or the page shows an "Unstrip size limit exceeded (5,000,000)" message.

These ones I have tried

krabina commented 5 years ago

krabina commented 5 years ago

the working example:

krabina commented 5 years ago

info about the unstrip warning:

JeroenDeDauw commented 5 years ago

Currently the page with the map obtains the geojson from the file or geojson page and saves it into its own content for the map to use. Possible solution: only the url is included in the content and the map pulls in the geojson from this url client side.