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Burning Blade Thug - (3195) #367

Open kaytotes opened 6 months ago

kaytotes commented 6 months ago

They hit very hard. .go xyz 775.080000 -4785.160000 35.756100 1 1.133980

zana244 commented 4 months ago

This one does hit kinda way too hard. 40 per hit at lvl 9, you get 5 shot by him. Does not seem blizzlike either, levelled recently on another server and the cave was manageable.

Shadownflame commented 3 months ago

It's 3-4times higher than the damage of any other mob at that level. Marking this as high prio because it's gatekeeping a low level quest hub.

kaytotes commented 1 day ago

I've looked into this and we use the same value as vMangos. Yes they have a higher damage but also have a 50% longer swing timer than most mobs. Couldn't say with certainty whats blizzlike without someone going out and testing on Classic but right now its matching a majority of 1.12 servers.