AI Toolkit for Healthcare Imaging
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MONAI framework is very slow while computing stain normalisation #5925

Closed VinayMushunuri closed 1 year ago

VinayMushunuri commented 1 year ago


I am new to MONAI framework and I am working on stain normalization approach to generate images similar to target image using MONAI framework. I have checked the blog for the implementation of Stain normalization and I found out that the implementation is using numpy rather than cupy or something similar.

Here is the implementation, I found from MONAI blog : Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

from future import annotations

import numpy as np

from monai.transforms.transform import Transform

[docs] class ExtractHEStains(Transform): “”"Class to extract a target stain from an image, using stain deconvolution (see Note).

Args: tli: transmitted light intensity. Defaults to 240. alpha: tolerance in percentile for the pseudo-min (alpha percentile) and pseudo-max (100 - alpha percentile). Defaults to 1. beta: absorbance threshold for transparent pixels. Defaults to 0.15 max_cref: reference maximum stain concentrations for Hematoxylin & Eosin (H&E). Defaults to (1.9705, 1.0308).

Note: For more information refer to:

def init( self, tli: float = 240, alpha: float = 1, beta: float = 0.15, max_cref: tuple | np.ndarray = (1.9705, 1.0308) ) -> None: self.tli = tli self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta self.max_cref = np.array(max_cref)

def _deconvolution_extract_stain(self, image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Perform Stain Deconvolution and return stain matrix for the image.

    image: uint8 RGB image to perform stain deconvolution on

    he: H&E absorbance matrix for the image (first column is H, second column is E, rows are RGB values)
# check image type and values
if not isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
    raise TypeError("Image must be of type numpy.ndarray.")
if image.min() < 0:
    raise ValueError("Image should not have negative values.")
if image.max() > 255:
    raise ValueError("Image should not have values greater than 255.")

# reshape image and calculate absorbance
image = image.reshape((-1, 3))
image = image.astype(np.float32, copy=False) + 1.0
absorbance = -np.log(image.clip(max=self.tli) / self.tli)

# remove transparent pixels
absorbance_hat = absorbance[np.all(absorbance > self.beta, axis=1)]
if len(absorbance_hat) == 0:
    raise ValueError("All pixels of the input image are below the absorbance threshold.")

# compute eigenvectors
_, eigvecs = np.linalg.eigh(np.cov(absorbance_hat.T).astype(np.float32, copy=False))

# project on the plane spanned by the eigenvectors corresponding to the two largest eigenvalues
t_hat =[:, 1:3])

# find the min and max vectors and project back to absorbance space
phi = np.arctan2(t_hat[:, 1], t_hat[:, 0])
min_phi = np.percentile(phi, self.alpha)
max_phi = np.percentile(phi, 100 - self.alpha)
v_min = eigvecs[:, 1:3].dot(np.array([(np.cos(min_phi), np.sin(min_phi))], dtype=np.float32).T)
v_max = eigvecs[:, 1:3].dot(np.array([(np.cos(max_phi), np.sin(max_phi))], dtype=np.float32).T)

# a heuristic to make the vector corresponding to hematoxylin first and the one corresponding to eosin second
if v_min[0] > v_max[0]:
    he = np.array((v_min[:, 0], v_max[:, 0]), dtype=np.float32).T
    he = np.array((v_max[:, 0], v_min[:, 0]), dtype=np.float32).T

return he

def call(self, image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Perform stain extraction.

    image: uint8 RGB image to extract stain from

    target_he: H&E absorbance matrix for the image (first column is H, second column is E, rows are RGB values)
if not isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
    raise TypeError("Image must be of type numpy.ndarray.")

target_he = self._deconvolution_extract_stain(image)
return target_he

[docs] class NormalizeHEStains(Transform): “”"Class to normalize patches/images to a reference or target image stain (see Note).

Performs stain deconvolution of the source image using the ExtractHEStains class, to obtain the stain matrix and calculate the stain concentration matrix for the image. Then, performs the inverse Beer-Lambert transform to recreate the patch using the target H&E stain matrix provided. If no target stain provided, a default reference stain is used. Similarly, if no maximum stain concentrations are provided, a reference maximum stain concentrations matrix is used.

Args: tli: transmitted light intensity. Defaults to 240. alpha: tolerance in percentile for the pseudo-min (alpha percentile) and pseudo-max (100 - alpha percentile). Defaults to 1. beta: absorbance threshold for transparent pixels. Defaults to 0.15. target_he: target stain matrix. Defaults to ((0.5626, 0.2159), (0.7201, 0.8012), (0.4062, 0.5581)). max_cref: reference maximum stain concentrations for Hematoxylin & Eosin (H&E). Defaults to [1.9705, 1.0308].

Note: For more information refer to:

def init( self, tli: float = 240, alpha: float = 1, beta: float = 0.15, target_he: tuple | np.ndarray = ((0.5626, 0.2159), (0.7201, 0.8012), (0.4062, 0.5581)), max_cref: tuple | np.ndarray = (1.9705, 1.0308), ) -> None: self.tli = tli self.target_he = np.array(target_he) self.max_cref = np.array(max_cref) self.stain_extractor = ExtractHEStains(tli=self.tli, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, max_cref=self.max_cref)

def call(self, image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Perform stain normalization.

    image: uint8 RGB image/patch to be stain normalized, pixel values between 0 and 255

    image_norm: stain normalized image/patch
# check image type and values
if not isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
    raise TypeError("Image must be of type numpy.ndarray.")
if image.min() < 0:
    raise ValueError("Image should not have negative values.")
if image.max() > 255:
    raise ValueError("Image should not have values greater than 255.")

# extract stain of the image
he = self.stain_extractor(image)

# reshape image and calculate absorbance
h, w, _ = image.shape
image = image.reshape((-1, 3))
image = image.astype(np.float32) + 1.0
absorbance = -np.log(image.clip(max=self.tli) / self.tli)

# rows correspond to channels (RGB), columns to absorbance values
y = np.reshape(absorbance, (-1, 3)).T

# determine concentrations of the individual stains
conc = np.linalg.lstsq(he, y, rcond=None)[0]

# normalize stain concentrations
max_conc = np.asarray([np.percentile(conc[0, :], 99), np.percentile(conc[1, :], 99)], dtype=np.float32)
tmp = np.divide(max_conc, self.max_cref, dtype=np.float32)
image_c = np.divide(conc, tmp[:, np.newaxis], dtype=np.float32)

image_norm: np.ndarray = np.multiply(self.tli, np.exp(, dtype=np.float32)
image_norm[image_norm > 255] = 254
image_norm = np.reshape(image_norm.T, (h, w, 3)).astype(np.uint8)
return image_norm

For me when I am running on a folder which contains 5400 webp tiles it is taking around half an hour. I have more than 2000 such folders and it takes at least a month to complete this procedure.

Could u please let me know if there is anything I could do to speed up the process.

KumoLiu commented 1 year ago

Hi @drbeh, could you please help take a look at this issue? Thanks in advance!

drbeh commented 1 year ago

Hi @VinayMushunuri,

You are right, this implementation is based on numpy but we do have a cupy implementation that is way faster than numpy. For you to use the cupy-based version, there are two options:

  1. We have implemented a cupy based in a while ago but we decided no to have the cupy version in MONAI! So you can checkout the PR and use it if you want.
  2. The other option, which is the preferred one, is to use what we have implemented in cuCIM. You can use them directly or use it in MONAI via CuCIM or CuCIMd wrapper.
    from tranforms import CuCIM
    normalizer = CuCIM(
    ref_stain_coeff=((0.5626, 0.2159), (0.7201, 0.8012), (0.4062, 0.5581)),
    ref_max_conc=(1.9705, 1.0308),
    normalized_image = normalizer(image)

    or simply:

    from tranforms import CuCIM
    normalizer = CuCIM(name="normalize_colors_pca")
    normalized_image = normalizer(image)
VinayMushunuri commented 1 year ago

Hello @drbeh, Thankyou for the response I would check it very quickly and let u know how well it works