Platform changes:
- Added ability to lock spaces:
> Locked spaces behave similar to a private space, but prevent anyone except owners and admins from entering the space (leaving the space isn't limited). This also asks owners and admins for confirmation before entering.
> Allow-listed users can still see locked spaces, but not who is inside them and cannot enter them.
> "Join-me" invitations work the same as for private spaces, but "Space-bound" invitations are blocked.
> This aims to create a way to warn that space is in use even for owners and admins of said space.
- Updated space search listing:
- Changed icon for private spaces and added icon for locked spaces
- Added an icon showing that a space has online contacts of yours inside
- Empty spaces you can see are dimmed and sorted to the end of the list
- Overall slightly tweaked the styling and code behind it to prepare it for future planned features
- Updated space's extended details (what you see when you click on a space in listing):
- Added feature icons for "You are an admin of this space" and "This space is locked"
- Sorted offline characters to the end of the character list
- Added several icons to the characters in the character list: "Admin of this space", "Contact of yours", "Blocked by you"
[x] The change has been tested locally
[x] Added documentation to the new code and updated existing documentation where needed
About The Pull Request
See changelog (it is pretty complete).