Project60 / org.project60.sepa

SEPA direct debit integration with civicrm
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How to manage a bank chargeback #709

Open francescbassas opened 2 months ago

francescbassas commented 2 months ago

I'm trying to figure how to manage bank chargebacks.

In first place I edit the contribution from completed to chargeback. Aafter that it will depend on the case but it is likely that it will be necessary to change the bank account and transfer the charge again. I don't see how it should be done. The date of the recurring contribution is fixed for the next period and it is not possible to change it, right?

bjendres commented 1 month ago

In first place I edit the contribution from completed to chargeback. Aafter that it will depend on the case but it is likely that it will be necessary to change the bank account and transfer the charge again. I don't see how it should be done.

We usually do this in a mostly automated way:

  1. Use CiviBanking with the SepaMandateMatcher to process the file containing the chargebacks. This will automatically adjust the status of the individual SEPA contributions, and can even put the difference to the original amount into a custom field for chargeback fees and the chargeback reason. Setting up CiviBanking is a bit of work, though.
  2. Then use CiviSEPA's "retry collection" feature to (manually) select the contributions to retry collecting - usually based on date, contribution status, and chargeback reason.

The date of the recurring contribution is fixed for the next period and it is not possible to change it, right?

Beyond the the RETRY groups, yes, otherwise the group scheduler would adjust the collection date, and possibly collect duplicates. #576 would solve that, but there's currently not interest/funding for it.

francescbassas commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the indications @bjendres I'll try retry collection options. Perhaps this indications could be added in the How to Guide Docs section?

bjendres commented 1 month ago

Perhaps this indications could be added in the How to Guide Docs section?

I agree. If you have the time to create a draft, PRs are very much appreciated!

francescbassas commented 1 month ago

@bjendres I think the PR in the documentation it's not published

I tried to force re-publication of the CiviSEPA docs but something seems broken Any idea?