Open LiuMicheal opened 1 month ago
We made some modifications on cpython, you can get our cpython-build image by:
docker pull hongruixie/cpython-build
Thank you very much for your answer. I will try it.
Maybe I need to use cpython-build image to build cpython-base image, and here is /root/dmerge/samples/knative/dockerfiles/Dockerfile-cpython-base:
FROM val01:5000/cpython-build as build
**WORKDIR /app**
# Install dependencies
RUN rm -f requirements.txt && \
echo "cython" >> requirements.txt && \
echo "numpy==1.19.3" >> requirements.txt && \
echo "Flask==2.0.3" >> requirements.txt && \
echo "requests" >> requirements.txt && \
echo "yfinance" >> requirements.txt && \
echo "cloudevents==1.9.0" >> requirements.txt && \
echo "redis" >> requirements.txt && \
echo "lightgbm==2.0.7" >> requirements.txt && \
echo "urllib3==1.25.3" >> requirements.txt && \
echo "minio" >> requirements.txt && \
echo "fastapi" >> requirements.txt && \
echo "gunicorn" >> requirements.txt && \
echo "uvicorn" >> requirements.txt && \
pip install -r requirements.txt
# LD_PRELOAD related
COPY . .
RUN ls && \
cd dynlib-wrappers/jemalloc-wrapper && \
mkdir -p build && cd build && \
cmake .. && \
make -j && \
cp /usr/local/share/ && \
cd ../../ && rm -rf jemalloc-wrapper
However, when I use
docker pull hongruixie/cpython-build
ls / bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
It seems that there is no /app. Maybe I can not build cpython-base image. Could you please provide some suggestions on how I can further search for a solution? I will do my best to explore further. Thanks.
If the WORKDIR doesn’t exist, it will be created. So it's ok if no /app in cpython-build image. You can follow the makefile in samples/knative/dockerfile to build cpython-base (you may need to check the image name in makefile and dockerfile). You can also get it by:
docker pull hongruixie/cpython-base
I have pushed some necessary images.
Since I have run Microbenchmark and Application evaluations, I found some images are missing: dmerge-micro dmerge-finra dmerge-ml-pipeline dmerge-digital-minist dmerge-wordcount dmerge-test dmerge-thpt Maybe they are not in DockerHub hongruixie now. Could you please provide these images? Thanks a lot!
I solved these problems. I found that there were Dockerfiles in the corresponding directories in $PROJECT_PATH/exp. I used docker build
to generate all the above images based on hongruixie/dmerge-base.
It is worth mentioning that after I built the image, an error occurred during pod startup, there lacks async_timeout for python runtime. I add a line to requirements.txt: async_timeout
After that, these images I generated by myself all run correctly.
Glad to see it run correctly and thank you for mentioning that. I pushed these images in case other users find similar issue
Excellent work! I am learning it. Here is a little question: I found that many docker images used in $PROJECT_PATH/exp are based on dmerge-base image. The Dockerfile for building dmerge-base image is in $PROJECT_PATH/samples/knative/dockerfiles. dmerge-base image is based on cpython-build image, and building cpython-build image requires cloning CPython from private GitLab.
FROM ubuntu:16.04 as Build
WORKDIR /usr/src RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y git build-essential wget curl tar libffi-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev \ libssl-dev libncurses-dev libsqlite3-dev libreadline-dev tk-dev gcc make cron locales \ cmake autoconf automake libtool
RUN git clone https://docker:${ACCESS_TOKEN} my_python_repo && \ cd my_python_repo && \ git checkout 3.7 && \ ./configure --enable-optimizations && \ make -j build_all && \ make -j install && \ make clean && \ cd .. && \ rm -rf my_python_repo && \ ln -s /usr/local/bin/python3.7 /usr/local/bin/python && \ ln -s /usr/local/bin/pip3 /usr/local/bin/pip && \ pip install --upgrade pip
RUN python -m pip install Flask==2.0.3 requests cloudevents redis numpy==1.21.6 yfinance lightgbm==2.0.7
Is there anything special about this CPython? Can I use instead? Thank you very much.