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Calculating a jet striking a plate #35

Closed PetterTh closed 1 year ago

PetterTh commented 1 year ago


Thank you for a very impressive tool!

I'm trying to setup a calculation for a water jet striking a plate like shown below. However, I'm not able to get the inlet/outlet working. image How do I setup the solver so that there is a circular inlet boundary on one side where the water-jet can enter and strike the plate on the other side before the water exits on the side of the domain?

Best Regards Petter

PetterTh commented 1 year ago

I was able to make it work like this: `

void main_setup() { // Jet hitting wall

// ######################################################### define simulation box size, viscosity and volume force ############################################################################
const uint size = 96;
uint r=0;
uint ncells = 0;

const int box_diameter = size*3u; 
float jet_diameter = box_diameter / 4;

float const si_nu = 1E-6f; // kinematic shear viscosity [m^2/s] 
const float si_rho = 997.f; // fluid density [kg/m^3] 
const float si_sigma = 73.81E-3f; // fluid surface tension [kg/s^2] 
const float si_sos = 1400.f; // Speed of sound in water [m/s]

const float si_D =0.05; // jet diameter [m] 
const float si_u = 100.; // jet velocity [m/s] 

const float u = 1/sqrt(3)/si_sos*si_u; // jet velocity
const float rho = 1.0f; // density
units.set_m_kg_s((float)jet_diameter, u, rho, si_D, si_u, si_rho); // calculate 3 independent conversion factors (m, kg, s)
print_info("m" + to_string(units.get_m())+" kg "+ to_string(units.get_kg()) + " s " + to_string(units.get_s())+" Force "+to_string(units.si_F(1.f)));
float vel = u;

const float nu =; // calculate values for remaining parameters in simulation units
const float sigma = units.sigma(si_sigma);

LBM lbm(size * 3u, size * 3u, size * 1u, nu, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, sigma);

const uint N = lbm.get_N(), Nx = lbm.get_Nx(), Ny = lbm.get_Ny(), Nz = lbm.get_Nz(); for (uint n = 0u, x = 0u, y = 0u, z = 0u; n < N; n++, lbm.coordinates(n, x, y, z)) {
    const uint D = max(Nx, Nz);
     r = jet_diameter/2;

    if ((z <= 5u) && sq(x - Nx / 2) + sq(y - Nx / 2) < sq(r)) { // Initial waterjet
        lbm.flags[n] =  TYPE_F; 
        lbm.u.z[n] = vel;;
        lbm.u.x[n] = 0.0f;;
        lbm.u.y[n] = 0.0f;;
        lbm.rho[n] = 1.0f;;
        if (z == 1u) {
            ncells += 1;
    if (z == Nz - 1u) lbm.flags[n] = TYPE_S; // Walls on the top plane

    if (z == Nz - 1u && sq(x - Nx / 2) + sq(y - Nx / 2) < sq(D / 3)) lbm.flags[n] = TYPE_X+TYPE_S; // To Calculate Force away from the boundaryconditions

    if ((z == 3u)) { // Inlet condition

        if (sq(x - Nx / 2) + sq(y - Nx / 2) < sq(r)) {
            lbm.flags[n] = TYPE_E;
            lbm.u.z[n] = vel;;
            lbm.u.x[n] = 0.0f;;
            lbm.u.y[n] = 0.0f;;

    if (z <= 10u && sq(x - Nx / 2) + sq(y - Nx / 2) > sq(r)){ // Floor
            lbm.flags[n] = TYPE_S;
    else if (x <= 1u ) { // Outlet
        lbm.flags[n] = TYPE_E;
        lbm.u.x[n] = -vel;
    else if (x >= Nx-2u) { // Outlet
        lbm.flags[n] = TYPE_E;
        lbm.u.x[n] = vel;
    else if (y <= 1u) { // Outlet
        lbm.flags[n] = TYPE_E;
        lbm.u.y[n] = -vel;
    else if (y >= Nx - 2u) { // Outlet
        lbm.flags[n] = TYPE_E;
        lbm.u.y[n] = vel;
print_info("Inlet Cells:" + to_string(ncells));
int c = 0;
float forceAve = 0;

int nrun = 50;
while (running) {;

    if (c > int(Nz/vel/nrun)) { // Don't collect data until the jet has hit the back plate
        const float3 force = lbm.calculate_force_on_object(TYPE_X + TYPE_S);
        forceAve += force.z;

        if (c % 25 == 0) {
            print_info("AverageForce " + to_string(forceAve / (25.)) + " N"+ " Estimated Force "+to_string(ncells*sq(vel)*1.0));
            print_info("SI_Units" + to_string(units.si_F(forceAve) / (25.)));
            forceAve = 0.;


However the calculated force acting on the plate is not calculated according to the analytical solution. I should be $F= \rho A v^2$, however the calculated force does not seem to scale with the velocity squared. However, if I change the function calculate_force_on_boundaries() from

    F[                 n] = 2.0f*fx*Fb; // 2 times because fi are reflected on solid boundary nodes (bounced-back)
    F[    def_N+(ulong)n] = 2.0f*fy*Fb;
    F[2ul * def_N + (ulong)n] = 2.0f * fz* Fb; 


    F[                 n] = 4.0f*sq(fx)*Fb; // 2 times because fi are reflected on solid boundary nodes (bounced-back)
    F[    def_N+(ulong)n] = 4.0f*sq(fy)*Fb;
    F[2ul * def_N + (ulong)n] = 4.0f * sq(fz)* Fb; 

I get a result which is quite close to the analytical result. Do you think this change makes sense? I've never used LBM before so I might be totally wrong, but should it not be a pressure component in the calculated force aswell?

ProjectPhysX commented 1 year ago

Hi @PetterTh! Sorry for the delayed response; I just tested your setup. The force implementation with the "2" is correct, changing it to "4" makes it wrong.

There is some potential issues:
