ProtonDesigner / roadmap

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Cloud saves #2

Open TechStudent10 opened 1 year ago

TechStudent10 commented 1 year ago

This is the priority. Figuring out the best approach to saving projects not on the client's computer, but on a database.

Some suggestions:

TechStudent10 commented 1 year ago

After watching the latest Fireship video, I've decided I'm going with Pocketbase and maybe Svelte for the UI. Pocketbase should be setup by this weekend (because school).

TechStudent10 commented 1 year ago

Setup Pocketbase locally today. I got started on hosting on, but didn't finish.

TechStudent10 commented 1 year ago

Hosting on Been an amazing experience so far.

Edit: why was the link to pocketbase?

TechStudent10 commented 1 year ago

Been a bit since the last update;

PocketBase has been setup with all the collections needed (for now). So far, logging in/signing up works:


And you can create projects, but can't edit them:


I also want to eventually convert the entire codebase to TypeScript, but that is going to require a ton of work in order to do so.

TechStudent10 commented 1 year ago

Oops! Didn't mean to do that.

TechStudent10 commented 1 year ago


Project editing works:


Projects auto-save when anything changes (unlike my previous approach where it saves every 10 milliseconds, didn't work).

TechStudent10 commented 1 year ago

BUT loading is a different story...
