ProtonDesigner / roadmap

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Elements #5

Open TechStudent10 opened 1 year ago

TechStudent10 commented 1 year ago

The Element class should be completed. The class should have the following information

The class should be able to be serialized so that it can be saved either in the cloud (see #2) or locally (see #3).

TechStudent10 commented 1 year ago

Currently running into issues with element serialization in-terms of the cloud.

TechStudent10 commented 1 year ago

I need to be able to serialize a code snippet like this:


into JSON and back. There is a package for this called react-serialize, but I'm not sure what would happen with"text").

I'm starving and need to eat something. I'll come back. hopefully with a plan.

TechStudent10 commented 1 year ago

UPDATE: I just realized that I don't need to serialize the code. All I have to do is serialize the props and then populate the information.