Pryaxis / TSAPI

🛠🌳 The TShock Scaffold API enables developers to build plugins that hook directly into the Terraria game engine.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ServerApi.Hooks.DropBossBag Is Unavailable #252

Open ACaiCat opened 9 months ago

ACaiCat commented 9 months ago

It can just hook the drop of Defender Medals rather than Boss Bag

public override void Initialize()

    ServerApi.Hooks.DropBossBag.Register(this, test);


private void test(DropBossBagEventArgs args)
    TSPlayer.All.SendSuccessMessage($"Npc: {Lang.GetNPCName(args.NpcId)} {args.NpcId} " +
        $"=> {TShock.Utils.ItemTag(new Item() { netID = args.ItemId, stack = args.Stack })}");

protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
    if (disposing)
        ServerApi.Hooks.DropBossBag.Deregister(this, test);

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