Przemol / seqplots

:chart_with_upwards_trend:SeqPlots - An interactive tool for visualizing NGS signals and sequence motif densities along genomic features using average plots and heatmaps.
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Shiny server setup: Seqplots returns "Disconnected from server" #22

Closed khourhin closed 6 years ago

khourhin commented 7 years ago


I want to setup a server instance of seqplots on my machine, for the people in my lab to be able to access it.

I setup a shiny server as specified in The shiny server seems to work fine shiny

I installed Seqplots: sudo su - R source("") biocLite("seqplots")

I tried to follow the instructions in: sudo su - R library(seqplots) cp -r $(Rscript -e "cat(system.file('seqplots', package='seqplots'))") /srv/shiny-server/

But: seqplots(root='/var/shiny-server/DATA') returns Error: could not find function "seqplots"

At this stage, the seqplots app cannot be loaded properly and the browser displays: seqplots

Running locally the web app seems to work fine: As normal user R library(seqplots) run() ok_seqplots

Could you give me a hand with this issue ?

Thanks for the great work !


Przemol commented 6 years ago

Make sure you install seqplots as root user:

sudo su
whoami # should return "root"


if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github('przemol/seqplots', build_vignettes=FALSE)

This should solve the problem.