Given that our team has grown in size, it is a good time to review our speedback practice, share helpful tips, and decide on cadence.
Goal: Create a template to be used by team/s
Why are speedback sessions useful?
encourage new members of the team by delivering affirming feedback
they can be an opportunity to share your personal goals with your teammates. If your teammates have visibility into your growth goals, they can better support you by noticing actions you do on the team that are in alignment with your goals.
For example, if you are looking to become a better presenter, you can share this during speedback. Then if you volunteer to present/facilitate a meeting, the team member you shared this with can take notes and provide you with feedback after, in the next speedback session, in a summit feedback request, etc.
Given that our team has grown in size, it is a good time to review our speedback practice, share helpful tips, and decide on cadence.
Goal: Create a template to be used by team/s
Why are speedback sessions useful?
Do we want/need a rotation for speedback?
team resources
column on trello