Open christina-luong opened 5 months ago
Officers' script: src/server/seeder_jobs/createSeedOfficerDataFromS3.js Inmates' script: src/server/seeder_jobs/createSeedInmateDataFromS3.js
Only the ids are required (employeeId, inmateId)
Here is the link to the how-to docs regarding the mass upload:
User Story
As a user of either NO or Hawaii I want to be able to mass upload information about officers or inmates (respectively) So that the database is kept up to date
Business Context:
Occasionally, we are provided by either organization a spreadsheet containing the updated roster of officers or inmates. The uploads have been a manual process (see #592) with some research previously done on mass uploading (see #529). This story will build the functionality needed to process this information on the backend.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Open Questions
Acceptance Criteria
Scenario: Given that the user is on the Admin Portal When they input a csv with the correct headers Then our database is updated with information from the csv
Scenario: Given When Then