Musomatic is a decentralized platform where musicians can put up music/songs as NFTs. These NFTs can then be traded and each time an NFT gets traded, the musician will receive a certain percent of the trade as royalty! The main essence of the platform is to uplift music creators as they really do not get enough recognition and monetary benefits or royalties from the current available sources.
Website link- Musomatic
IPFS, Ganache, Truffle, Web3.js, Metamask, Infura, Moralis, Zapier, Stream
Fork the repo to your account
Clone the forked repo to your local system using git clone<your-username>/Musomatic
Connect your local repo to the upstream using git remote add upstream
Run npm install
to install npm dependencies
Start the local development blockchain on Ganache
Connect Metamask to local Ganache blockcahin
Run truffle migrate --reset
in the terminal
Run npm start
to start the React application
DO NOT make and push changes to the main branch!
Always keep your main/working branch in sync with the main repository git pull upstream main
on the branch you are working on locally.
Always create a new branch before making any changes git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
, never ever make any changes directly on the master/main branch.
Just run: truffle test
truffle migrate --reset
Run: truffle console
Musomatic.deployed().then(function(instance) {contract = instance})
Test the deployed contract:
To check the created song:
truffle migrate --network polygonTestnet