PyCon / 2014-translation

Translation for the PyCon 2014 website
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Translate: "Submitting a Tutorial" #17

Open coderanger opened 10 years ago

coderanger commented 10 years ago

How to Submit a Tutorial Proposal

This page gives detailed instructions and advice on how to submit a proposal for a tutorial at PyCon.

For general information about tutorials, see Tutorial Information for Instructors.

For general advice on developing and submitting a proposal see So You Want To Present a Talk/Tutorial/Poster at PyCon, Tutorials given in 2013, and Past Tutorial Topic Suggestions.

What information to submit

  1. First, sign up for a new account or log in to your account.
  2. Once you are logged in; proceed to your account dashboard and create a speaker profile.
  3. At this point, you can submit tutorials, fill in the fields as follows:


Give your tutorial a name that accurately describes what it's about to potential students.


A high-level description of the tutorial, limited to 400 characters.


Try to include the following to help participants decide if this is a good match for them:

At what level of Python and other topic-specific experience or expertise is the tutorial aiming for? We realize this may be too narrow for a tutorial, for example if the tutorial is aimed at Experienced programmers but Novices to Python, but give it your best shot. If this field doesn't work well, be sure to include a note in the Additional Notes section, and you may also wish to add to your Description or Abstract.

Additional Notes

This is the one section that is for reviewers only, so it should have lots and lots of information to help reviewers decide which tutorials to accept, based on both the subject being taught and the ability of the teacher. The following information should be included:

Here are some notes about the proposal, selection, and delivery process for tutorials.

If you have questions about any of this, or suggestions, please contact us at