*[x] When I click on a nav heading, its underline becomes twice as thick and the whole site content drops by one or two pixels, then when I click again to close the nav menu the whole site moves up again.
*[ ] Final stray text-transform: uppercase; has remained in the CSS that the Venue pages are for some reason susceptible to when the other pages are not, as here:
*[x] When I click on a nav heading, its underline becomes twice as thick and the whole site content drops by one or two pixels, then when I click again to close the nav menu the whole site moves up again.
*[ ] Final stray
text-transform: uppercase;
has remained in the CSS that the Venue pages are for some reason susceptible to when the other pages are not, as here: https://us.pycon.org/2016/venue/weather/*[ ] The sponsors page lacks breadcrumbs, and I think it would help keep users oriented if it had them: https://us.pycon.org/2016/sponsors/