Pylons / pyramid_blogr

Pyramid_blogr is an example implementation of Flaskr app with Pyramid Web Framework
72 stars 39 forks source link

Project management to become more like Pyramid #22

Closed stevepiercy closed 8 years ago

stevepiercy commented 8 years ago

In an effort to bring this project closer to the practices used in Pyramid, and help this project become an official Pyramid tutorial, I suggest the following:

stevepiercy commented 8 years ago

@blaflamme @pauleveritt @mcdonc @mmerickel @tseaver or any other Owner of the Pylons Project repos, neither I nor @ergo have permission to edit the settings for the repo Pylons/pyramid_blogr. Would one of you please:

Other than #35, are there any other requirements that need to be fulfilled in order to bring this tutorial into the "official" Pyramid docs?

Thank you!

mmerickel commented 8 years ago

Please add me to the RTD project for these docs so I can mount it in the pylonsproject domain and update things in the future.

stevepiercy commented 8 years ago

@mmerickel done!

mmerickel commented 8 years ago

stevepiercy commented 8 years ago

Thank you, @mmerickel.

The docs don't autobuild on commit. It looks like the GitHub service has not yet been added.

stevepiercy commented 8 years ago

Looks like it's autobuilding now. Closing.