QianSong-Cherry / SAR-ZSL

Implementation of "EM Simulation-Aided Zero-Shot Learning for SAR Automatic Target Recognition".
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Implementation of "EM Simulation-Aided Zero-Shot Learning for SAR Automatic Target Recognition".

System requirements


Two synthetic image are used in this repo. MSTAR data can be downloaded from https://www.sdms.afrl.af.mil/-datasets/mstar/.

Target detection

Use target_detection to detect the targets in the synthetic image. It read in HB06165_with_mstar.mat, detect the targets, modify the cropped images and save it to ./data/scene_test_181_fans.mat.

Target classification in Python

Run Python main.py --is_test=True to classify the detected images. The classification result wil be saved at ./result/pred.mat.

Show the classification results

Use target_cla to compare the ground truth and recognition results.




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  3. K. Simonyan, and A. Zisserman, “Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-scale Image Recognition,” arXiv:1409.1556, 2014.
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