Qirky / Troop

Real-time Live Coding collaboration app
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Atom plugin/use different text editor #26

Open hellocatfood opened 5 years ago

hellocatfood commented 5 years ago

It'd be good if there was a plugin for Atom that allowed me to use Troop. The built in editor is great but I miss things that Atom has such as code autocompletion and certain keyboard shortcuts.

Qirky commented 5 years ago

I think Atom has quite a sophisticated collaboration tool called Teletype but I'm not sure if you can run Tidal etc using it. A lot of Troop's functionality is tied up in the interface, but in theory it could be adapted using its "model" part. Not really sure how to go about implementing it in Atom unfortunately.

igormpc commented 3 years ago

maybe a neovim plugin? :)