Closed tarzan115 closed 6 years ago
QXlsx does not support encryption now. I am currently very busy 😠and can not afford to develop that feature. It is a feature to set a password when you decompress legacy zip. (xlsx excel file is a zip file.) I plan to develop it in the future if I have time.
The following C++ projects are supported. It called xlnt. xlnt uses cmake and C++11. It does not support Qt. If you know how to use cmake and C++11, you may use it! xlnt is good in Mac, Linux, Visual Studio. But it is sometimes buggy in MSYS or MinGW. (But if you bring up a bug issue, they will fix it. I did!) The following is an example of xlnt.
int main()
xlnt::workbook wb;
const auto password = std::string("secret");
wb.load(path_helper::samplefile("encrypted.xlsx"), password);"decrypted.xlsx");
return 0;
I hope this helps. 😄
Hi. I have created a project for easy use of xlnt in Qt. If you are interested in the project, please take a look.
I am found that encrypting in xlsx is not an easy task. I have seen ECMA-376 and have found it to support a variety of encryption algorithms. (AES, etc.) So I created Qxlnt as a way to easily handle encrypted xlsx in Qt. I will try to apply it later on to QXlsx.
that great. Qxlnt
have all I need 😃
Thank you so much.
Enjoy programming. 😸
I don't want anyone else modifies my file so I want to lock a file with a password. How can I do that?