QuTech-Delft / OpenQL

OpenQL: A Portable Quantum Programming Framework for Quantum Accelerators. https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3474222
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Router has built in knowledge of gates names swap, move,tswap,tmove, etc. #490

Open jvansomeren opened 1 year ago

jvansomeren commented 1 year ago

Router has built-in knowledge of gate names swap, move, tswap, tmove and perhaps more (prep_init, etc.). Is this ok? Kind of reserved gate names? Or should it be made configurable to the router what these are? Or should it be annotated in the configuration file somehow?

jvansomeren commented 1 year ago

The option assume_prep_only_initializes specifies that the prep gate indeed sets the qubit to |0>. Similarly one could expect options that the other gates (swap, move, tswap, tmove) do what they are supposed to do. So for prep this is the solution: using an option. But is this a good way to do this?