may I suggest to replace the git submodules in the deps directory by CMake's FetchContent mechanism. It is as easy as potting the following code snippet into your CMakeLists.txt file
This will download the archive, unpack it, and configure it to be used within the CMake project.
The problem with the current submodule approach is that tar.gz and zip archives of qx-simulator are basically unusable due to the missing and not-obtainable submodule dependencies.
Dear QX developers,
may I suggest to replace the git submodules in the deps directory by CMake's FetchContent mechanism. It is as easy as potting the following code snippet into your CMakeLists.txt file
include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare(openql URL )
Here you can
Make variables if neededFetchContent_MakeAvailable(openql) FetchContent_GetProperties(openql) include_directories(${openql_SOURCE_DIR}/include) This will download the archive, unpack it, and configure it to be used within the CMake project.
The problem with the current submodule approach is that tar.gz and zip archives of qx-simulator are basically unusable due to the missing and not-obtainable submodule dependencies.