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Advanced Quantitative Economics with Python
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DeprecationWarning for scalar conversion in NumPy #162

Closed HumphreyYang closed 1 month ago

HumphreyYang commented 3 months ago

DeprecationWarning is raised by NumPy 1.25:

DeprecationWarning: Conversion of an array with ndim > 0 to a scalar is deprecated, and will error in future. Ensure you extract a single element from your array before performing this operation. (Deprecated NumPy 1.25.)
  μ_series[0] = -self.F.dot(θ_series[:, 0])

in calvo.md.

Related issue: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/10615 https://numpy.org/doc/stable/release/1.25.0-notes.html

HumphreyYang commented 3 months ago

Since Tom is actively working on this lecture, I suggest we use sequence unpacking to resolve this issue:

class ChangLQ:
    Class to solve LQ Chang model
    def __init__(self, α, α0, α1, α2, c, T=1000, θ_n=200):

        # Record parameters
        self.α, self.α0, self.α1 = α, α0, α1
        self.α2, self.c, self.T, self.θ_n = α2, c, T, θ_n

        # Create β using "Poor Man's Friedman Rule"
        self.β = np.exp(-α1 / (α * α2))

        # Solve the Ramsey Problem #

        # LQ Matrices
        R = -np.array([[α0,            -α1 * α / 2],
                       [-α1 * α/2, -α2 * α**2 / 2]])
        Q = -np.array([[-c / 2]])
        A = np.array([[1, 0], [0, (1 + α) / α]])
        B = np.array([[0], [-1 / α]])

        # Solve LQ Problem (Subproblem 1)
        lq = LQ(Q, R, A, B, beta=self.β)
        self.P, self.F, self.d = lq.stationary_values()

        # Solve Subproblem 2
        self.θ_R = -self.P[0, 1] / self.P[1, 1]

        # Find bliss level of θ
        self.θ_B = np.log(self.β)

        # Solve the Markov Perfect Equilibrium
        self.μ_MPE = -α1 / ((1 + α) / α * c + α / (1 + α)
                      * α2 + α**2 / (1 + α) * α2)
        self.θ_MPE = self.μ_MPE
        self.μ_check = -α * α1 / (α2 * α**2 + c)

        # Calculate value under MPE and Check economy
        self.J_MPE  = (α0 + α1 * (-α * self.μ_MPE) - α2 / 2
                      * (-α * self.μ_MPE)**2 - c/2 * self.μ_MPE**2) / (1 - self.β)
        self.J_check = (α0 + α1 * (-α * self.μ_check) - α2/2
                        * (-α * self.μ_check)**2 - c / 2 * self.μ_check**2) \
                        / (1 - self.β)

        # Simulate Ramsey plan for large number of periods
        θ_series = np.vstack((np.ones((1, T)), np.zeros((1, T))))
        μ_series = np.zeros(T)
        J_series = np.zeros(T)
        θ_series[1, 0] = self.θ_R
        [μ_series[0]] = -self.F.dot(θ_series[:, 0])
        J_series[0] = -θ_series[:, 0] @ self.P @ θ_series[:, 0].T
        for i in range(1, T):
            θ_series[:, i] = (A - B @ self.F) @ θ_series[:, i-1]
            [μ_series[i]] = -self.F @ θ_series[:, i]
            J_series[i] = -θ_series[:, i] @ self.P @ θ_series[:, i].T

        self.J_series = J_series
        self.μ_series = μ_series
        self.θ_series = θ_series

        # Find the range of θ in Ramsey plan
        θ_LB = min(θ_series[1, :])
        θ_LB = min(θ_LB, self.θ_B)
        θ_UB = max(θ_series[1, :])
        θ_UB = max(θ_UB, self.θ_MPE)
        θ_range = θ_UB - θ_LB
        self.θ_LB = θ_LB - 0.05 * θ_range
        self.θ_UB = θ_UB + 0.05 * θ_range
        self.θ_range = θ_range

        # Find value function and policy functions over range of θ
        θ_space = np.linspace(self.θ_LB, self.θ_UB, 200)
        J_space = np.zeros(200)
        check_space = np.zeros(200)
        μ_space = np.zeros(200)
        θ_prime = np.zeros(200)
        for i in range(200):
            J_space[i] = - np.array((1, θ_space[i])) \
                        @ self.P @ np.array((1, θ_space[i])).T
            [μ_space[i]] = - self.F @ np.array((1, θ_space[i]))
            x_prime = (A - B @ self.F) @ np.array((1, θ_space[i]))
            θ_prime[i] = x_prime[1]
            check_space[i] = (α0 + α1 * (-α * θ_space[i]) -
            α2/2 * (-α * θ_space[i])**2 - c/2 * θ_space[i]**2) / (1 - self.β)

        J_LB = min(J_space)
        J_UB = max(J_space)
        J_range = J_UB - J_LB
        self.J_LB = J_LB - 0.05 * J_range
        self.J_UB = J_UB + 0.05 * J_range
        self.J_range = J_range
        self.J_space = J_space
        self.θ_space = θ_space
        self.μ_space = μ_space
        self.θ_prime = θ_prime
        self.check_space = check_space


[μ_space[i]] = - self.F @ np.array((1, θ_space[i]))


to fix cases where single-element list is nested in the array.

HumphreyYang commented 1 month ago

This has been fixed in #164.