Quantum64 / ExGregilo

GregTech addon for skyblock
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Auto Sieve Different Output than Advanced Sieve #17

Closed WSpadaro closed 6 years ago

WSpadaro commented 6 years ago

From playing around with the auto sieve and the advanced sieve, I have noticed that the advanced sieve outputs only gregtech related items (This is ideal); however, the auto sieve outputs Ex-Nihilo Items such as the Broken Ores. I'm unsure if this is intended or not but I would assume not since the advanced sieve doesn't.

Quantum64 commented 6 years ago

1b6fdc79acb9a6cb1e6f5ebee9def81a4b58b4f0 should fix it

WSpadaro commented 6 years ago

Did you change the id's by any chance? Also, I'll test it tomorrow after work.

Quantum64 commented 6 years ago

It theoretically detects if the NH version is being used and if it is shifts up ids by 10000.

WSpadaro commented 6 years ago

Alright, I'll test tomorrow and let you know!

Hakameda commented 6 years ago

This is also fixed now in the latest release, Only further suggestion would probably be to remove lapis, coal and apatite in favor of crushed variants

Quantum64 commented 6 years ago


Hakameda commented 6 years ago

It seems i was wrong, This is the output from an UV Sieve. Seemed okay when i tested LV but maybe i didn't process enough - http://prntscr.com/ho5ohf

Quantum64 commented 6 years ago

Can you try this again?

WSpadaro commented 6 years ago

Problem seems to be fixed. This is the output from an UV Sieve, 5 Stacks of Gravel and 3 of Sand auto sieve output