Qubic-Solutions / rqiner-builds

Latest builds for rqiner x86, aarch64 versions
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Cuda build and x86 Build Not Showing Workers at pool #23

Open Glimmerpride opened 3 months ago

Glimmerpride commented 3 months ago

Using Cuda build and x86 build together for a CPU and GPU on the same local machine only one worker is visible at the pool. Both the CPU and GPU miners are hashing but the pool only shows the first miner initiated as hashing. Furthermore, only the hash rate from one miner is added to the cumulative total hash rate at the pool. This may just be a backend issue for the Qubic.commando team. (I am assuming MAC address is used for worker identification ) Please let me know what it is (curious).


trampk commented 3 months ago

I confirm, I have the same error. in this case either appears randomly Label or CPU or GPU miner

cpu miner - rqiner-x86-znver3, Label epyc1 gpu miner - rqiner-x86-cuda, Label 4090

on the pool it shows either 4090 or epyc1, one or the other. But it doesn't show both together

Ubuntu 22.04

Arschmole commented 3 months ago

Same here (Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS). For now, the only way to make it work is using different wallet addresses for the two miner instances running on the same host (i.e, CPU and GPU miner).

Dexplorer22 commented 3 months ago

[2024-04-06T19:30:45Z INFO rqiner] Rust > C++ ;) [2024-04-06T19:30:45Z INFO rqiner] rqiner v0.3.20 [2024-04-06T19:30:45Z INFO rqiner] Running Pool Miner [2024-04-06T19:30:45Z INFO rqiner] Solution Threshold: 43 | Random Seed: [150, 3, 18, 211, 186, 100, 124, 91, 52, 76, 230, 86, 115, 50, 143, 244, 59, 16, 138, 136, 32, 221, 207, 243, 235, 37, 170, 20, 181, 147, 217, 182] [2024-04-06T19:31:32Z INFO rqiner::gpu::pool] Mounted GPU0 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti Laptop GPU 8GB [2024-04-06T19:31:43Z INFO rqiner::gpu::pool] Updating public key [2024-04-06T19:32:07Z INFO rqiner::gpu::pool] Updating public key [2024-04-06T19:32:19Z INFO rqiner::gpu::pool] Updating public key [2024-04-06T19:32:32Z INFO rqiner::gpu::pool] Updating public key [2024-04-06T19:32:44Z INFO rqiner::gpu::pool] Updating public key thread '' panicked at rqiner/src/gpu/work_loop.rs:16:67: called Result::unwrap() on an Err value: UnknownError note: run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display a backtrace Aborted

Dexplorer22 commented 3 months ago

rqiner-x86-cuda.exe -l 3070 -i BFKFHIPHPQXASCTVRSMDIJDRENVAIXWOCEBQUNIJYFUHFEHBTCQKTKUDPIRH [2024-04-06T19:36:29Z INFO rqiner] Rust > C++ ;) [2024-04-06T19:36:29Z INFO rqiner] rqiner v0.3.20 [2024-04-06T19:36:29Z INFO rqiner] Running Pool Miner [2024-04-06T19:36:30Z INFO rqiner] Solution Threshold: 43 | Random Seed: [150, 3, 18, 211, 186, 100, 124, 91, 52, 76, 230, 86, 115, 50, 143, 244, 59, 16, 138, 136, 32, 221, 207, 243, 235, 37, 170, 20, 181, 147, 217, 182] [2024-04-06T19:36:30Z INFO rqiner::gpu::pool] Mounted GPU0 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti Laptop GPU 8GB thread '' panicked at rqiner\src\gpu\work_loop.rs:16:67: called Result::unwrap() on an Err value: UnknownError note: run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display a backtrace

Arschmole commented 3 months ago

Fixed in 0.3.21: https://github.com/Qubic-Solutions/rqiner-builds/releases/tag/v0.3.21-cuda

Dexplorer22 commented 3 months ago

2024-04-07T04:52:45Z INFO rqiner] Rust > C++ ;) [2024-04-07T04:52:45Z INFO rqiner] rqiner v0.3.21 [2024-04-07T04:52:45Z INFO rqiner] Running Pool Miner [2024-04-07T04:52:45Z INFO rqiner] Solution Threshold: 43 | Random Seed: [150, 3, 18, 211, 186, 100, 124, 91, 52, 76, 230, 86, 115, 50, 143, 244, 59, 16, 138, 136, 32, 221, 207, 243, 235, 37, 170, 20, 181, 147, 217, 182] [2024-04-07T04:52:45Z INFO rqiner::gpu::pool] Mounted GPU0 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti Laptop GPU 8GB [2024-04-07T04:52:46Z ERROR rqiner::gpu::work_loop] Failed to load module: "unknown error" | This issue may be related to drivers, try updating or reinstalling your drivers [2024-04-07T04:53:21Z INFO rqiner::gpu::pool] Updating public key [2024-04-07T04:53:33Z INFO rqiner::gpu::pool] Updating public key [2024-04-07T04:54:09Z INFO rqiner::gpu::pool] Updating public key [2024-04-07T04:54:21Z INFO rqiner::gpu::pool] Updating public key [2024-04-07T04:54:34Z INFO rqiner::gpu::pool] Updating public key [2024-04-07T04:54:46Z INFO rqiner::gpu::pool] Updating public key [2024-04-07T04:55:46Z INFO rqiner::gpu::pool] Updating public key [2024-04-07T04:56:10Z INFO rqiner::gpu::pool] Updating public key [2024-04-07T04:56:23Z INFO rqiner::gpu::pool] Updating public key

qibic-li its worck

MaxXue commented 3 months ago

[2024-04-07T10:11:34Z INFO rqiner] Rust > C++ ;) [2024-04-07T10:11:34Z INFO rqiner] rqiner v0.3.21 [2024-04-07T10:11:34Z INFO rqiner] Running Pool Miner [2024-04-07T10:11:35Z INFO rqiner] Solution Threshold: 43 | Random Seed: [150, 3, 18, 211, 186, 100, 124, 91, 52, 76, 230, 86, 115, 50, 143, 244, 59, 16, 138, 136, 32, 221, 207, 243, 235, 37, 170, 20, 181, 147, 217, 182] [2024-04-07T10:11:35Z INFO rqiner::gpu::pool] Mounted GPU0 NVIDIA P106-100 6GB [2024-04-07T10:11:36Z ERROR rqiner::gpu::work_loop] Failed to load module: "unknown error" | This issue may be related to drivers, try updating or reinstalling your drivers Please,help me 。