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"Cheat sheets" and quick references #7

Open cgranade opened 8 years ago

cgranade commented 8 years ago

For handouts, it might be useful to provide (as suggested by @crazy4pi314) a few quick reference sheets on the various topics we introduce throughout the workshop. For example:

Importantly, we should probably not have cheat sheets for some topics such as SSH, since ideally participants will not need to frequently make use of SSH directly, but rather through an intermediary such as git. This won't be true for participants looking to use Jupyter Notebook remotely, or to work with HPC resources, but I think it's important to keep the cheat sheets relatively undaunting. From that perspective, I haven't suggested cheat sheets for any Day 1 topics, focusing instead on Day 0, but this may not be the most useful. Ideas?

crazy4pi314 commented 8 years ago

Sorry i clicked the wrong thing, this is a good idea and I think it should be mainly the day 1 stuff. Ill get started on these today

cgranade commented 8 years ago

@csferrie found some nice ones for ST3 and LaTeXTools for ST3 at some point, those might make a nice starting point?

(Side note: it seems my admittedly silly insistence on zero-indexing may have caused a bit of a problem here, sorry.)

cgranade commented 8 years ago

Ah, here it is! I disagree with the use of Computer Modern fonts to the exclusion of any typographical progress in the past century, as well as the missing source code, but I think they do a very good job of getting the basics across. There's one command that's made wrong by recent versions of Sublime Text, though: C-S-p no longer launches quick switch project by default, due to conflicts with other keybindings. (I reenabled that one in my own setup, as quick switching projects is beautiful.)

cgranade commented 8 years ago

It looks like MS has done much of the work for us on this one:

crazy4pi314 commented 8 years ago

This is the anaconda provided one that we should also have: