QuiteAFancyEmerald / Holy-Unblocker

Holy Unblocker is a web proxy service that helps you access websites that may be blocked by your network or browser. It does this securely and with additional features.
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In Search Of A Proxy #395

Closed TestingUser1000 closed 1 year ago

TestingUser1000 commented 1 year ago

Hello i'm TestUser1000 and I go to a school, but ever since I got on my chromebook everything is blocked I tried multiple unblockers and they have worked but they got blocked again and the guy who runs the chromebooks got better software to block proxies and everything. Usually I would find new ones but I just can't, websites like Glitch, Replit, Azure, IBM Cloud, Amplify Console, Goggle Cloud, Koyeb, you name it!!! I tried everything and I feel hopeless I just wanna watch some Youtube videos. My administrator or principal keeps making more stuff too, like he is reinforcing it. I feel so desperate at this point, I would usually have my phone but i'm grounded for like a long time. I am actually lucky I managed to make an account on her and type this message on Github. He has a lot of extensions that I can't get rid of and certificates too. I know you guys who are pretty amazing at coding, I have tried it myself, but there is a lot to learn and I can't really figure it all out. At this point it's a lot of stress and I just want a simple proxy or a proxy that bypasses all this. I could tell you what kind of extensions he uses, like for example: Iboss, Gopher Buddy, Classlink Analytics, Contentkepper Authenticator Ck, Safe Doc, Goggle Drive Extensions, Certificates 50+, SWYE360-CAAP-Data-Analytics, and I think that's it maybe more tbh. I know what you're gonna say I don't deserve it and I should know better, but the truth is I don't know anymore I just want a proxy that's all i'm asking just for me. I know it takes alot of coding but please I am just a simple user on Github who is desperate. Im a A honor roll student, people call me a nerd, and that's that. I appreciate you reading this whole entire comment and i'm sorry for wasting your time thank you have a great day!

QuiteAFancyEmerald commented 1 year ago

This was painful to read.

TestingUser1000 commented 1 year ago

I managed to get it working! Somehow I managed to clone it on codesandbox.io ! Thank you QuiteAFancyEmerald! Your a Superhero!!!