QutEcoacoustics / workbench-client

workbench-client: a client side browser application for interacting with acoustic workbenches
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New DateTime Component #2092

Closed hudson-newey closed 7 months ago

hudson-newey commented 9 months ago

We should add a DateTime component to display date/times in a standardised ISO 8601 format.

Relates to https://github.com/QutEcoacoustics/workbench-client/issues/346, https://github.com/QutEcoacoustics/workbench-client/issues/345

Charles tried a previous implementation in #1736, however, it has diverged significantly from master and therefore should be rejected and started from scratch.

We should use a component over a template pipe as it allows styling to indicate dateTime's that are not relative to the users timezone.

image The component should have a dotted underline styling for localTime dateTime's

In short: all datesTimes should be relative to the user group that created them

e.g. If a recording was captured at 11:11 am (UTC+ 10), the client should show 11:11 am with a tooltip on however showing the timezone (AEST UTC + 10).

If an event is created, the createdAt dateTime should be relative to the user. e.g. if a user in UTC + 8 creates an event at T00:00Z+08:00, a user viewing the event at UTC+10 should see the createdAt value as 2:00 am with a tooltip on hover showing T00:00Z+08:00.
However, the events dateTime should always be relative to the recording and not be effected by user locals.

Prefered spec

<baw-date [options]="{ showTime: true, localTime: true }"></baw-date>

where DateTimeOptions is an interface that looks like

interface {
    showTime: boolean;
    localTime: boolean;

Alternative spec

<baw-date [showTime]="true" [localTime]="true"></baw-date>
atruskie commented 9 months ago

The component should have a dotted underline styling for localTime dateTime's

I'd like to see differing and subtle styling for either variant of the component.

e.g. If a recording was captured at 11:11 am (UTC+ 10), the client should show 11:11 am with a tooltip on however showing the timezone (AEST UTC + 10).

e.g. If a recording was captured at 11:11 (UTC+10:00), the client should show 11:11 with a tooltip on however showing the timezone (\<full date>+10:00 AEST).

If an event is created, the createdAt dateTime should be relative to the user. e.g. if a user in UTC + 8 creates an event at T00:00Z+08:00, a user viewing the event at UTC+10 should see the createdAt value as 2:00 am with a tooltip on hover showing T00:00Z+08:00.

This bit is a little redundant since dates like these are only stored as Instants (UTC+00:00 with no TZ information)

Prefered spec

This not ergonomic and definitely not a preferred outcome.

Neither of your specs show value or timezone inputs?

I'd like to see the following cases covered:

Produce a spec that shows usages of the above cases.

hudson-newey commented 9 months ago

Revised spec for baw-date component

    [showDate]="false | true"
    [showTime]="false | true"
    [localTime]="false | true"
    [elapsedTime]="false | true"

On hover tooltips should show fulldate + timezone


value: Required<DateTime>;
showDate: boolean = true; // by default, this is set to "true" because semantics outline the component is a "date component"
timezone: TimezoneInformation = "GMT (UTC + 0)";
showTime: boolean = false;
localTime: boolean = false; // defines if the element's inner-text should be localised
elapsedTime: boolean = false; // for x (seconds, minutes, etc...) since dateTime (uses largest whole multiple)

Note: { elapsedTime } is mutually exclusive with { showTime, showDate } (elapsed time cannot be defined if showTime OR showDate have been defined, and the same in reverse).

Minimum props input for component

<baw-date [value]="dateObject"></baw-date>





Should be visible for all obfuscated dates/times (where we are localising a non-localised value, or the opposite).

Use Cases

an Instant formatted to show a full date stamp



an Instant formatted to show a date only



<baw-date [value]="dateObject"></baw-date>


an Instant formatted to show a time only



an Instant formatted to show the relative time that has passed since that instant



an Event formatted to show a full date stamp



an Event formatted to show a date only


an Event formatted to show a time only



an Event shown with in a time zone formatted to show a full date stamp

    [timezone]="AEST (UTC + 10)"


an Event shown with in a time zone formatted to show a date only

    [timezone]="AEST (UTC + 10)"


an Event shown with in a time zone formatted to show a time only

    [timezone]="AEST (UTC + 10)"


hudson-newey commented 9 months ago

Proposal to be implemented:

instants (Date or luxon DateTime accepted)

events without timezone (must be luxon DateTime)

events with timezone (Date or luxon DateTime accepted)

given their presence, dateOnly and timeOnly should be modifiers

If <baw-zoned-datetime [value]="model.date" /> model.date is a Luxon DateTime with timezone (Zone) information, we should use that timezone, unless explicitly overridden by the [timezone] prop.

time since an event:

the duration of an event

atruskie commented 8 months ago

After doing a partial implementation in #2096 I've changed my mind about attribute naming. The Only suffix is non-sensical when combined with other attributes.

Possible alternatives include:

<baw-datetime [value]="model.date" dateOnly timeOnly secondsOnly zoneOnly />
<baw-datetime [value]="model.date" date time seconds zone />
<baw-datetime [value]="model.date" showDate showTime showSeconds showZone />
<baw-datetime [value]="model.date" format="DTSZ" />
<baw-datetime [value]="model.date" format="{date: true, time: true, seconds: true, zone: true}" />

<baw-datetime [value]="model.date">
        <date />
        <time />
        <seconds />
        <zone />

Of which, we lie the second and third the most. The second is the most ergonomic but is ambiguous without docmentation. The third is effectively the opposite.