R-ArcGIS / r-bridge-install

Install the R ArcGIS Tools
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R 64-bit vs Arcmap 32-bit #106

Closed username272727 closed 2 years ago

username272727 commented 2 years ago


I succesfully installed the background geoprocessing extension and the bridge in arcmap 10.6 as instructed in the tutorial.

My problem is that when I run the arc.check_product() command, I get this message:

Error: Could not bind to a valid ArcGIS Pro installation. Found ArcGIS Desktop (32-bit) Version 10.6.9270. You'll need to use the 32-bit version of R.

I can't run arcmap 32-bits through R 64-bits, even after installing background geoprocessing and R bridge. Is the use of R 32-bits mandatory? Is there a way to get around this issue? I thought that this was background geoprocessing's reason to exist.

Thank you

scdub commented 2 years ago

Hello @username272727,

Unfortunately, it is not possible on Windows for a 64-bit process to load 32-bit DLLs, which would be required when going from 64-bit R to the ArcGIS Desktop installation. We tried to lay this out in the prerequisites section of the README, definitely open to suggestions on how to make this more clear. The background geoprocessing does allow you to create R script tools and have them executed against 64-bit R, so for example if you wrapped your functionality in a tool, it can call 64-bit R as covered in Section E of the tutorial you're following and illustrated with tools from the r-sample-tools repository. The other option if available to you is to use ArcGIS Pro which is a native 64-bit application and only works with 64-bit R.