Describe the bug
Game Crashes on Launch, I'm trying to use the mod on the 1.2.0 beta, but the game was giving me an identical error before. I've tried verifying the integrity of the game cache, uninstalling/reinstalling, and the other usual fixes and I still can't figure out why it's failing to launch. I would have linked the HTML, but Butterlib seems to be having a problem actually creating a link. Let me know if the info I provide is not enough, thank you!
Mod Version
Standard version
[x] The mod is present in the callstack;
[x] The issue only happens with the mod activated;
[x] You tested it with the least amount of other mods as possible.
Crash Report
Exception information:
Type: System.TypeLoadException
Message: Could not load type 'SandBox.CampaignBehaviors.LordConversationsCampaignBehavior' from assembly 'SandBox, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
Source: mscorlib
at object System.Reflection.CustomAttribute._CreateCaObject(RuntimeModule pModule, IRuntimeMethodInfo pCtor, Byte* ppBlob, Byte pEndBlob, Int32* pcNamedArgs)
at object System.Reflection.CustomAttribute.CreateCaObject(RuntimeModule module, IRuntimeMethodInfo ctor, ref IntPtr blob, IntPtr blobEnd, out int namedArgs)
at object[] System.Reflection.CustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeModule decoratedModule, int decoratedMetadataToken, int pcaCount, RuntimeType attributeFilterType, bool mustBeInheritable, IList derivedAttributes, bool isDecoratedTargetSecurityTransparent) x 2
at List HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethodExtensions.GetFromType(Type type)
at new HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor(Harmony instance, Type type)
at void HarmonyLib.Harmony.PatchAll()+(Type type) => { }
at void HarmonyLib.CollectionExtensions.Do(IEnumerable sequence, Action action)
at void BannerKings.Main.OnSubModuleLoad() in C:/Users/Rodrigo/source/repos/bannerlord-banner-kings/BannerKings/Main.cs:line 143
at void TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Module.InitializeSubModules_Patch1(Module this)
at void TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Module.LoadSubModules_Patch1(Module this)
at void TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Module.Initialize()
at void ManagedCallbacks.CoreCallbacksGenerated.Module_Initialize_Patch1(int thisPointer)
Describe the bug Game Crashes on Launch, I'm trying to use the mod on the 1.2.0 beta, but the game was giving me an identical error before. I've tried verifying the integrity of the game cache, uninstalling/reinstalling, and the other usual fixes and I still can't figure out why it's failing to launch. I would have linked the HTML, but Butterlib seems to be having a problem actually creating a link. Let me know if the info I provide is not enough, thank you!
Mod Version
Crash Report Exception information: Type: System.TypeLoadException Message: Could not load type 'SandBox.CampaignBehaviors.LordConversationsCampaignBehavior' from assembly 'SandBox, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Source: mscorlib CallStack: at object System.Reflection.CustomAttribute._CreateCaObject(RuntimeModule pModule, IRuntimeMethodInfo pCtor, Byte* ppBlob, Byte pEndBlob, Int32* pcNamedArgs) at object System.Reflection.CustomAttribute.CreateCaObject(RuntimeModule module, IRuntimeMethodInfo ctor, ref IntPtr blob, IntPtr blobEnd, out int namedArgs) at object[] System.Reflection.CustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeModule decoratedModule, int decoratedMetadataToken, int pcaCount, RuntimeType attributeFilterType, bool mustBeInheritable, IList derivedAttributes, bool isDecoratedTargetSecurityTransparent) x 2 at List HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethodExtensions.GetFromType(Type type) at new HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor(Harmony instance, Type type) at void HarmonyLib.Harmony.PatchAll()+(Type type) => { } at void HarmonyLib.CollectionExtensions.Do(IEnumerable sequence, Action action) at void BannerKings.Main.OnSubModuleLoad() in C:/Users/Rodrigo/source/repos/bannerlord-banner-kings/BannerKings/Main.cs:line 143 at void TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Module.InitializeSubModules_Patch1(Module this) at void TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Module.LoadSubModules_Patch1(Module this) at void TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Module.Initialize() at void ManagedCallbacks.CoreCallbacksGenerated.Module_Initialize_Patch1(int thisPointer)
Involved Modules: Bannerlord.Harmony Method: static System.Collections.Generic.List
1 HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethodExtensions::GetFromType(System.Type type) Frame: List HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethodExtensions.GetFromType(Type type) (IL Offset: 0) HarmonyIssue: False Method: System.Void HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor::.ctor(HarmonyLib.Harmony instance, System.Type type) Frame: new HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor(Harmony instance, Type type) (IL Offset: 41) HarmonyIssue: False Method: System.Void HarmonyLib.Harmony::b__10_0(System.Type type) Frame: void HarmonyLib.Harmony.PatchAll()+(Type type) => { } (IL Offset: 0) HarmonyIssue: False Method: static System.Void HarmonyLib.CollectionExtensions::Do(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable
1 sequence, System.Action`1 action) Frame: void HarmonyLib.CollectionExtensions.Do(IEnumerable sequence, Action action) (IL Offset: 25) HarmonyIssue: False BannerKings Method: virtual System.Void BannerKings.Main::OnSubModuleLoad() Frame: void BannerKings.Main.OnSubModuleLoad() (IL Offset: 23) HarmonyIssue: False