R2Northstar / NorthstarMods

Squirrel scripts used to recreate server-side gamelogic and add custom content to the game.
MIT License
153 stars 121 forks source link

Co-Op crashes #207

Open xamionex opened 2 years ago

xamionex commented 2 years ago
xamionex commented 2 years ago


[2022-02-14 07:06:16.100] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Attempted to call GetOrigin on invalid entity
[2022-02-14 07:06:16.100] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT]  -> while( !PlayerInRange( player.GetOrigin(), creature.GetOrigin(), 256 ) )
[2022-02-14 07:06:16.100] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] 
*FUNCTION [LabCreatureThink()] sp/hubs/sp_timeshift_spoke02.nut line [3789]

[2022-02-14 07:06:16.100] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] LOCALS
[player] ENTITY (NULL)
[players] ARRAY
[animAggroLoop] "fl_timeshift_caged_tall_aggro_03"
[animBreakout] "fl_timeshift_caged_tall_interrupt_03"
[animIdle] "fl_timeshift_caged_tall_laying_03"
[linkedEnts] ARRAY
[node] ENTITY (script_ref variantLab03 [2020] at <1410.19 -5110.8 10928>)
[trigger] NULL
[creature] ENTITY (prop_dynamic flyer_lab [1656] at <1356.53 -5013.99 10933.4>)
[this] TABLE

[2022-02-14 07:06:16.102] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Attempted to call GetOrigin on invalid entity
[2022-02-14 07:06:16.102] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT]  -> while( !PlayerInRange( player.GetOrigin(), creature.GetOrigin(), 256 ) )
[2022-02-14 07:06:16.102] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] 
*FUNCTION [LabCreatureThink()] sp/hubs/sp_timeshift_spoke02.nut line [3789]

[2022-02-14 07:06:16.102] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] LOCALS
[player] ENTITY (NULL)
[players] ARRAY
[animAggroLoop] "fl_timeshift_caged_tall_aggro_03"
[animBreakout] "fl_timeshift_caged_tall_interrupt_03"
[animIdle] "fl_timeshift_caged_tall_laying_03"
[linkedEnts] ARRAY
[node] ENTITY (script_ref variantLab03 [2021] at <3040 -5480 10976>)
[trigger] NULL
[creature] ENTITY (prop_dynamic flyer_lab [1657] at <3150.69 -5480 10981.4>)
[this] TABLE

[2022-02-14 07:06:16.104] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Attempted to call GetOrigin on invalid entity
[2022-02-14 07:06:16.104] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT]  -> while( !PlayerInRange( player.GetOrigin(), creature.GetOrigin(), 256 ) )
[2022-02-14 07:06:16.104] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] 
*FUNCTION [LabCreatureThink()] sp/hubs/sp_timeshift_spoke02.nut line [3789]

[2022-02-14 07:06:16.104] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] LOCALS
[player] ENTITY (NULL)
[players] ARRAY
[animAggroLoop] "fl_timeshift_caged_tall_aggro_02"
[animBreakout] "fl_timeshift_caged_tall_interrupt_02"
[animIdle] "fl_timeshift_caged_tall_laying_02"
[linkedEnts] ARRAY
[node] ENTITY (script_ref variantLab02 [2022] at <1648 -5864 10928>)
[trigger] NULL
[creature] ENTITY (prop_dynamic flyer_lab [1658] at <1648 -5974.69 10933.4>)
[this] TABLE

[2022-02-14 07:06:16.105] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Attempted to call GetOrigin on invalid entity
[2022-02-14 07:06:16.105] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT]  -> while( !PlayerInRange( player.GetOrigin(), creature.GetOrigin(), 256 ) )
[2022-02-14 07:06:16.105] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] 
*FUNCTION [LabCreatureThink()] sp/hubs/sp_timeshift_spoke02.nut line [3789]

[2022-02-14 07:06:16.105] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] LOCALS
[player] ENTITY (NULL)
[players] ARRAY
[animAggroLoop] "fl_timeshift_caged_tall_aggro_04"
[animBreakout] "fl_timeshift_caged_tall_interrupt_04"
[animIdle] "fl_timeshift_caged_tall_laying_04"
[linkedEnts] ARRAY
[node] ENTITY (script_ref variantLab04 [2026] at <2680 -4888 10928>)
[trigger] NULL
[creature] ENTITY (prop_dynamic flyer_lab [1678] at <2680 -4777.31 10933.4>)
[this] TABLE

[2022-02-14 07:06:16.107] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Attempted to call GetOrigin on invalid entity
[2022-02-14 07:06:16.108] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT]  -> while( !PlayerInRange( player.GetOrigin(), creature.GetOrigin(), 256 ) )
[2022-02-14 07:06:16.108] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] 
*FUNCTION [LabCreatureThink()] sp/hubs/sp_timeshift_spoke02.nut line [3789]

[2022-02-14 07:06:16.108] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] LOCALS
[player] ENTITY (NULL)
[players] ARRAY
[animAggroLoop] ""
[animBreakout] ""
[animIdle] "fl_timeshift_caged_cylinder_02"
[linkedEnts] ARRAY
[node] ENTITY (script_ref variantCylinder02 [2019] at <288 -5576 10928>)
[trigger] NULL
[creature] ENTITY (prop_dynamic flyer_lab [1969] at <288 -5576 10928>)
[this] TABLE

[2022-02-14 07:06:16.111] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Attempted to call GetOrigin on invalid entity
[2022-02-14 07:06:16.111] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT]  -> while( !PlayerInRange( player.GetOrigin(), creature.GetOrigin(), 256 ) )
[2022-02-14 07:06:16.112] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] 
*FUNCTION [LabCreatureThink()] sp/hubs/sp_timeshift_spoke02.nut line [3789]

[2022-02-14 07:06:16.112] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] LOCALS
[player] ENTITY (NULL)
[players] ARRAY
[animAggroLoop] ""
[animBreakout] ""
[animIdle] "fl_timeshift_caged_cylinder_01"
[linkedEnts] ARRAY
[node] ENTITY (script_ref variantCylinder01 [2018] at <672 -5576 10928>)
[trigger] NULL
[creature] ENTITY (prop_dynamic flyer_lab [1970] at <672 -5576 10928>)
[this] TABLE
xamionex commented 2 years ago


[2022-02-14 06:26:38.782] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] ConVar m_invert_pitch is not valid
[2022-02-14 06:26:38.783] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT]  -> bool invertSettingBeforeMenu = GetConVarBool( invertConvar )
[2022-02-14 06:26:38.784] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] 
*FUNCTION [LookTraining()] sp/sp_training.nut line [786]

[2022-02-14 06:26:38.785] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] LOCALS
[invertConvar] "m_invert_pitch"
[askAlias] "og_invert_confirm_1"
[hintAlias] "invert_look_at_lights_0_left"
[maxInverts] 2
[numInverts] 0
[invertConfirmVO] unknown struct
[player] ENTITY (player xamionex [1] (player "xamionex" at <10564 -10235 -6062.9>))
[this] TABLE
xamionex commented 2 years ago


[2022-02-14 06:23:52.633] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Attempted to call DisableLookDistOverride on invalid entity
[2022-02-14 06:23:52.633] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT]  -> spectre.DisableLookDistOverride()
[2022-02-14 06:23:52.633] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] 
*FUNCTION [SpectreSkit()] sp/sp_crashsite.nut line [857]

[2022-02-14 06:23:52.633] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] LOCALS
[grunt] ENTITY (npc_soldier synced_melee_grunt [210] (NPC "npc_soldier" at <377.991 3485.39 -12296>))
[spectre] ENTITY (NULL)
[player] ENTITY (player xamionex [1] (player "xamionex" at <768 3712 -12256>))
[this] TABLE
xamionex commented 2 years ago


[2022-02-14 06:02:54.076] [info] [DEDICATED PRINT] Error: [1] 
[2022-02-14 06:02:54.076] [info] [DEDICATED PRINT] KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer:  got EOF instead of keyname in file scripts/weapons/mp_weapon_peacekraber.txt
WeaponData, (*RUI_CrosshairData*), (*Crosshair_2*), 
xamionex commented 2 years ago

forgot map, seems to be joystick issue tho?

[2022-02-14 08:25:39.744] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT]  -> if ( GetConVarInt( "joy_movement_stick" ) == 0 )
[2022-02-14 08:25:39.744] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] 
*FUNCTION [PlayerUseCrane()] sp/sh_crane.gnut line [490]

[2022-02-14 08:25:39.744] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] LOCALS
[player] ENTITY (player 1Freerunner [3] (player "1Freerunner" at <-13786.1 8446.67 2103.91>))
[crane] unknown struct
[this] TABLE
xamionex commented 2 years ago


[2022-02-14 08:12:58.936] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Attempted to call Destroy on invalid entity
[2022-02-14 08:12:58.936] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT]  -> slonePilot.Destroy()
[2022-02-14 08:12:58.936] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] 
*FUNCTION [SloneTortureRoomB()] sp/sp_skyway_v1.nut line [1257]

[2022-02-14 08:12:58.936] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] LOCALS
[doorsClosed] ARRAY
[doorsOpen] ARRAY
[slonePilot] ENTITY (NULL)
[slone] ENTITY (npc_titan torture_room_slone [290] (NPC "npc_titan_atlas_stickybomb" at <-11573 -7210.1 3520.05>))
[player] ENTITY (player H0L0theBard [5] (player "H0L0theBard" at <-11618.9 -6795.38 3520.03>))
[scriptRef] ENTITY (script_ref tr_sequence_ref [1875] at <-11454.2 -6840.76 3520.05>)
[this] TABLE
xamionex commented 2 years ago


[2022-02-14 08:08:30.386] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Attempted to call SetNoTarget on invalid entity
[2022-02-14 08:08:30.386] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT]  -> escapePodGuy.SetNoTarget( false )
[2022-02-14 08:08:30.386] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] 
*FUNCTION [EscapePodFriendlies()] sp/sp_crashsite.nut line [834]

[2022-02-14 08:08:30.386] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] LOCALS
[animRef] ENTITY (script_mover [246] at <792 3348 -12326>)
[scriptRef] ENTITY (script_ref anim_ref_escape_pod_militia [2424] at <792 3348 -12326>)
[escapePodHelper] ENTITY (npc_soldier escape_pod_militia_helper [244] (NPC "npc_soldier" at <789.209 3366.6 -12323.2>))
[escapePodGuy] ENTITY (NULL)
[escapePod] ENTITY (prop_dynamic grunt_escape_pod [2397] at <806.11 3266.23 -12313.7>)
[player] ENTITY (player 1Freerunner [2] (player "1Freerunner" at <159.593 -291.827 -12265.8>))
[this] TABLE
xamionex commented 2 years ago


[2022-02-14 07:48:21.586] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Index "0" is beyond array size of 0
[2022-02-14 07:48:21.587] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT]  -> civilianTalkers[ 0 ].EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
[2022-02-14 07:48:21.591] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] 
*FUNCTION [SequenceHallwayCivilians()] sp/hubs/sp_hub_timeshift.nut line [1076]

[2022-02-14 07:48:21.596] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] LOCALS
[civilianTalkers] ARRAY
[loudspeakerEnt] ENTITY (info_target [983] at <-1743.25 -9969.17 12278.1>)
[soundent_vista_hallway] ENTITY (info_target soundent_vista_hallway [1349] at <-1822 -7685.85 12081.4>)
[player] ENTITY (player H0L0theBard [4] (player "H0L0theBard" at <-1655.86 -9375.44 769.556>))
[this] TABLE
xamionex commented 2 years ago

Whenever a titan enemy appears

[2022-02-14 07:38:27.339] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] ConVar hud_setting_showTips is not valid
[2022-02-14 07:38:27.340] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT]  -> if ( GetConVarInt( "hud_setting_showTips" ) == 0 )
[2022-02-14 07:38:27.343] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] 
*FUNCTION [TitanHints_TryShowHint()] titan/_titan_hints.gnut line [138]
*FUNCTION [TitanHint_NPC_OnDamaged()] titan/_titan_hints.gnut line [93]
*FUNCTION [RunClassDamageCallbacks()] _codecallbacks_common.gnut line [275]
*FUNCTION [CodeCallback_DamagePlayerOrNPC()] mp/_codecallbacks.gnut line [214]
xamionex commented 2 years ago

Timeshift Crash?

[2022-02-14 07:36:20.354] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] IsTouching: invalid entity
[2022-02-14 07:36:20.354] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT]  -> while ( trigger.IsTouching( player ) )
[2022-02-14 07:36:20.354] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] 
*FUNCTION [TriggerHazardThink()] sp/hubs/sp_timeshift_utility.nut line [3205]

[2022-02-14 07:36:20.354] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] LOCALS
[origin] <0, 0, 0>
[result] TABLE
[player] ENTITY (NULL)
[fxHandles] ARRAY
[linkedEnts] ARRAY
[damageID] 209
[soundDamage] "flesh_fire_damage_1p"
[scriptTypeMask] 32770
[sound] "amb_colony_fire_medium"
[fx] $"P_fire_rooftop"
[scriptName] "fireMedium"
[interval] 1
[damageAmt] 25
[trigger] ENTITY (trigger_multiple fireMedium [2408] at <168 -4064 -526.333>)
[this] TABLE
xamionex commented 2 years ago

Lab Creatures crashing Timeshift map

[2022-02-14 07:06:16.100] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Attempted to call GetOrigin on invalid entity
[2022-02-14 07:06:16.100] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT]  -> while( !PlayerInRange( player.GetOrigin(), creature.GetOrigin(), 256 ) )
[2022-02-14 07:06:16.100] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] 
*FUNCTION [LabCreatureThink()] sp/hubs/sp_timeshift_spoke02.nut line [3789]

[2022-02-14 07:06:16.100] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] LOCALS
[player] ENTITY (NULL)
[players] ARRAY
[animAggroLoop] "fl_timeshift_caged_tall_aggro_03"
[animBreakout] "fl_timeshift_caged_tall_interrupt_03"
[animIdle] "fl_timeshift_caged_tall_laying_03"
[linkedEnts] ARRAY
[node] ENTITY (script_ref variantLab03 [2020] at <1410.19 -5110.8 10928>)
[trigger] NULL
[creature] ENTITY (prop_dynamic flyer_lab [1656] at <1356.53 -5013.99 10933.4>)
[this] TABLE


[2022-02-14 07:06:16.102] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Attempted to call GetOrigin on invalid entity
[2022-02-14 07:06:16.102] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT]  -> while( !PlayerInRange( player.GetOrigin(), creature.GetOrigin(), 256 ) )
[2022-02-14 07:06:16.102] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] 
*FUNCTION [LabCreatureThink()] sp/hubs/sp_timeshift_spoke02.nut line [3789]

[2022-02-14 07:06:16.102] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] LOCALS
[player] ENTITY (NULL)
[players] ARRAY
[animAggroLoop] "fl_timeshift_caged_tall_aggro_03"
[animBreakout] "fl_timeshift_caged_tall_interrupt_03"
[animIdle] "fl_timeshift_caged_tall_laying_03"
[linkedEnts] ARRAY
[node] ENTITY (script_ref variantLab03 [2021] at <3040 -5480 10976>)
[trigger] NULL
[creature] ENTITY (prop_dynamic flyer_lab [1657] at <3150.69 -5480 10981.4>)
[this] TABLE


[2022-02-14 07:06:16.104] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Attempted to call GetOrigin on invalid entity
[2022-02-14 07:06:16.104] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT]  -> while( !PlayerInRange( player.GetOrigin(), creature.GetOrigin(), 256 ) )
[2022-02-14 07:06:16.104] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] 
*FUNCTION [LabCreatureThink()] sp/hubs/sp_timeshift_spoke02.nut line [3789]

[2022-02-14 07:06:16.104] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] LOCALS
[player] ENTITY (NULL)
[players] ARRAY
[animAggroLoop] "fl_timeshift_caged_tall_aggro_02"
[animBreakout] "fl_timeshift_caged_tall_interrupt_02"
[animIdle] "fl_timeshift_caged_tall_laying_02"
[linkedEnts] ARRAY
[node] ENTITY (script_ref variantLab02 [2022] at <1648 -5864 10928>)
[trigger] NULL
[creature] ENTITY (prop_dynamic flyer_lab [1658] at <1648 -5974.69 10933.4>)
[this] TABLE


[2022-02-14 07:06:16.105] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Attempted to call GetOrigin on invalid entity
[2022-02-14 07:06:16.105] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT]  -> while( !PlayerInRange( player.GetOrigin(), creature.GetOrigin(), 256 ) )
[2022-02-14 07:06:16.105] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] 
*FUNCTION [LabCreatureThink()] sp/hubs/sp_timeshift_spoke02.nut line [3789]

[2022-02-14 07:06:16.105] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] LOCALS
[player] ENTITY (NULL)
[players] ARRAY
[animAggroLoop] "fl_timeshift_caged_tall_aggro_04"
[animBreakout] "fl_timeshift_caged_tall_interrupt_04"
[animIdle] "fl_timeshift_caged_tall_laying_04"
[linkedEnts] ARRAY
[node] ENTITY (script_ref variantLab04 [2026] at <2680 -4888 10928>)
[trigger] NULL
[creature] ENTITY (prop_dynamic flyer_lab [1678] at <2680 -4777.31 10933.4>)
[this] TABLE


[2022-02-14 07:06:16.107] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Attempted to call GetOrigin on invalid entity
[2022-02-14 07:06:16.108] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT]  -> while( !PlayerInRange( player.GetOrigin(), creature.GetOrigin(), 256 ) )
[2022-02-14 07:06:16.108] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] 
*FUNCTION [LabCreatureThink()] sp/hubs/sp_timeshift_spoke02.nut line [3789]

[2022-02-14 07:06:16.108] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] LOCALS
[player] ENTITY (NULL)
[players] ARRAY
[animAggroLoop] ""
[animBreakout] ""
[animIdle] "fl_timeshift_caged_cylinder_02"
[linkedEnts] ARRAY
[node] ENTITY (script_ref variantCylinder02 [2019] at <288 -5576 10928>)
[trigger] NULL
[creature] ENTITY (prop_dynamic flyer_lab [1969] at <288 -5576 10928>)
[this] TABLE


[2022-02-14 07:06:16.111] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Attempted to call GetOrigin on invalid entity
[2022-02-14 07:06:16.111] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT]  -> while( !PlayerInRange( player.GetOrigin(), creature.GetOrigin(), 256 ) )
[2022-02-14 07:06:16.112] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] 
*FUNCTION [LabCreatureThink()] sp/hubs/sp_timeshift_spoke02.nut line [3789]

[2022-02-14 07:06:16.112] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] LOCALS
[player] ENTITY (NULL)
[players] ARRAY
[animAggroLoop] ""
[animBreakout] ""
[animIdle] "fl_timeshift_caged_cylinder_01"
[linkedEnts] ARRAY
[node] ENTITY (script_ref variantCylinder01 [2018] at <672 -5576 10928>)
[trigger] NULL
[creature] ENTITY (prop_dynamic flyer_lab [1970] at <672 -5576 10928>)
[this] TABLE

BobTheBob9 commented 2 years ago

most of the ones that reference convars should be exclusive to dedicated servers, they're caused by sp trying to write convars that only exist on client, which don't exist on dedi

xamionex commented 2 years ago

most of the ones that reference convars should be exclusive to dedicated servers, they're caused by sp trying to write convars that only exist on client, which don't exist on dedi

Yeah, I know. Those were fixed by adding them to mod.json

xamionex commented 2 years ago

Player dying in sp_training

Probably related to RUI causing scripts to break, otherwise player would respawn normally

[2022-02-15 17:18:33.571] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Player is already alive.
[2022-02-15 17:18:33.571] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT]  -> this.Code_RespawnPlayer( ent )
[2022-02-15 17:18:33.571] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] 
*FUNCTION [CPlayer()] class/CPlayer.nut line [72]
*FUNCTION [RespawnPlayer()] sp/_base_gametype_sp.gnut line [401]
*FUNCTION [PostDeathThread_SP()] sp/_base_gametype_sp.gnut line [458]

[2022-02-15 17:18:33.572] [info] [SERVER SCRIPT] LOCALS
[ent] NULL
[this] ENTITY (player xamionex [1] (player "xamionex" at <-5891.53 -6747.32 -159.969>))
[player] ENTITY (player xamionex [1] (player "xamionex" at <-5891.53 -6747.32 -159.969>))
[this] TABLE
[p] ENTITY (player xamionex [1] (player "xamionex" at <-5891.53 -6747.32 -159.969>))
[@INDEX@] 0
[Coop_Dead_Player] "Storma2005"
[players] ARRAY
[damageInfo] INSTANCE
[player] ENTITY (player Storma2005 [2] (player "Storma2005" at <-5849.31 -6335.4 -255.491>))
[this] TABLE
xamionex commented 2 years ago

@abarichello can you link this to #210

xamionex commented 2 years ago
